Inflamed Liver: Symptoms And Proper Diet

An inflamed liver  is a fairly common disorder. It is what is medically known as hepatomegaly. This essential organ suddenly becomes enlarged outside its limits.

It causes pain and requires treatment. But what are its most obvious symptoms? What diet can we follow at home to complement the medical recommendations? We show you below.

Inflamed liver can cause various symptoms

Would you know how to place the liver? It’s simple: its lower edge is just down to the lower side of the ribs, on the right side. If the liver is healthy and of a normal size, we will not notice it when we place our fingers under the edge of the ribs (unless we breathe, for example, very deeply).

Normally, in the examinations that doctors do to us they warn if the liver is inflamed or not, and they do it with ease. If it is inflamed, its presence is noticeable just under the ribs.

But what about us? What symptoms can we notice on a day-to-day basis? It should be noted that liver problems can occur asymptomatically at first, so we will not notice it. However, little by little the following dimensions will become more apparent.

1. Pain

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Swollen liver pain is usually quite dull, incisive, and uncomfortable. It appears little by little and reaches more and more intensity. The discomfort is centered just on the right side, remember: always on the right and on the upper side of the abdomen.

It can reach the lower back, that is, focus on that same side but also on the back. You will notice a kind of very marked fatigue that never goes unnoticed. In case of taking painkillers, you can verify that the relief will only be momentary.

2. Nausea and general malaise

We can lose our appetite. Foods with excess fat, with meats and many seasonings or flours, are very difficult for us to digest. We notice how after eating, fatigue is more pronounced and nausea and dizziness come to us.

Doctors also usually tell us that the symptoms of fatigue and discomfort are usually more pronounced in the morning. We must remember that the liver, like the lymphatic system, exercises its purifying functions especially at night.

3. Fever

Having a few tenths of a fever should already put us on alert. It is a sign of an infection, of an alteration in the body that needs medical attention. Never forget that fever is a natural reaction of the body to defend itself against some foreign element. Go to the doctor to find out the origin and cause of that inflamed liver.

4. Jaundice

Jaundice is a condition whose symptom is a yellowing of the skin and eyes. It is one of the most obvious symptoms that there is a problem, an alteration in the functioning of the liver.

But where does that yellow color come from? From bilirubin, a by-product of old red blood cells. It is an obvious sign that the liver is not purifying as it should. That elements are accumulating that must be expelled from the body.

5. Stool abnormalities

It is not always pleasant to pay attention to those moments when we are in the bathroom. But it is worth stopping a few seconds to pay attention to the color of urine and stool. They say a lot about health.

If they suddenly turn whitish, tell your doctor. It may be due to a disease that the doctor will determine. It can be a virus or hepatitis and hence lead to inflammation of the liver. It is a possibility, but always remember to have a medical evaluation.

Diet to relieve inflamed liver

You can take a tablespoon in the morning of olive oil with a little lemon juice.  It is something curative and really medicinal to treat liver diseases. It acts as a tonic, protector and revitalizer of the liver. Day by day, it will reduce inflammation.

It is also suitable to drink artichoke water with lemon juice. An ideal treatment for every day. Cook two artichokes. Add the juice of a lemon to the resulting water. You should get at least 3 or 4 glasses of water, enough to drink throughout the day.

And, to eat, a beet salad with grated carrot is perfect. It is delicious, healing and a natural cocktail of vitamins and minerals very suitable for treating an inflamed liver.

Infusions for every day


Do you know which are the best medicinal plants for an inflamed liver? Milk thistle and dandelion are advisable to alleviate this problem while following a medical treatment, if the professional authorizes it.

You can have them at breakfast and after lunch. Drink them little by little, calmly, using if you want a natural sweetener such as honey. You know that milk thistle is available in your natural stores, both in infusion and in tablets. An option always suitable for an inflamed liver.

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