How To Treat Oily Skin

Before resorting to any of these homemade alternatives, it is best to consult with a dermatologist. In this way, we can find the most suitable treatment for our skin.

Having oily skin is a very common problem. However, we should not get used to it for that. Here are some natural alternatives that can help treat it, in conjunction with the indications provided by the dermatologist.

We say that we have oily skin when the skin begins to produce more natural oils, which it uses to protect itself from external agents. This natural oil is called sebum, and it is a product of the work of the sebaceous glands.

The body’s goal is to maintain hydration. However, when this production is overproduced, the result is oily, ugly-looking skin. In fact, it can lead to unwanted acne, breakouts or shine. 

Discover in this article how you can help treat oily skin and why it appears. Remember that, in case of a serious problem or before resorting to any remedy (natural or not) to treat it, you should go to a dermatologist.

Why do I have oily skin?

There are several factors that affect the excessive production of sebum. Among these, hormonal changes produced by stress, the use of oral contraceptives, pregnancy or diet stand out, as well as genetic factors. Lack of cleansing and exfoliation can also be triggers.

Woman skin

The good thing about having oily skin is that as you age, you are less likely to get wrinkles than if you have dry skin. Beyond this, it is recommended that you start treating your oily skin as soon as possible.

Natural techniques for oily skin

These homemade techniques that we propose will help the skin of your face look more beautiful, jovial and cared for. Take notes and consult a dermatologist before putting them into practice!

Do a cleaning every day

Remember to carry out a daily cleansing routine so that sebum is under control. The American Academy of Dermatology offers the following keys:

  • Start by cleaning the skin with lukewarm water to remove excess oil.
  • Be measured when using hydrating products to wash the dermis, and do not apply too much of these, especially near the eyes.
  • It is best to limit washing to twice a day (it can be in the morning and at night) and after heavy perspiration.

Daily facial cleansing is recommended for oily skin.

In addition to the keys provided by this entity, we could also add the following:

  • Dry the skin using a clean, dry towel, cloth or handkerchief, tapping gently, without rubbing.
  • Next, apply an astringent lotion (that is of the “non-comedogenic” type, if you are going to buy it).
  • You can also make an infusion of sage (widely used to treat skin conditions, according to studies) and let it cool. In either case, apply with gentle taps to close the pores and produce less sebum.


Another step to avoid oily skin is exfoliation. It will help you keep the skin clean and free of impurities, improve the appearance of the skin and avoid excessive oil production. Some natural options for this are:

  • Apple cider vinegar, a product that has benefits for various skin conditions. A popular recipe for its preparation is to make a 50/50 mix with water if you have very sensitive skin. Apply with a cotton ball and leave for 10 minutes. Remove with cold water. Apply 2-3 times a week, but check with your dermatologist before using it regularly.

Skin exfoliation

  • Almond flour. According to popular beliefs, you can grind the almonds to a fine sand. Add a tablespoon of honey (also useful for skin problems) and apply. Finally, leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. It is useful for removing dead cells and balancing oily skin. Although there are not too many studies in this regard, there are others that recommend the use of almond oil to rejuvenate the skin.

Aloe vera treatment

There is no doubt that aloe vera is a great ingredient for skin health; there is research that confirms this. It is a beneficial plant for its astringent properties, it favors the healing of wounds and helps to regenerate the skin.

In theory, it can also be useful to combat oily dermis, burns and scars, so it can be very good to have an aloe vera plant at home.

To use it, according to traditional techniques, you simply have to cut a stalk and open it horizontally. Extract the gel, apply directly to the face and allow it to dry before removing with cold water. Repeat this treatment two or three times a week. It is recommended to consult with the professional anyway.

Eat a healthy diet

To avoid oily skin, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet rich in fiber. There are academic publications that recommend consuming more foods of plant origin (fruits, vegetables …), as well as whole grains, legumes and nuts. The vitamins and minerals that they provide help you keep the dermis healthy.

Also drink plenty of water and consume good quality oils, such as extra virgin olive. Also, avoid fats, fried foods, red meat and fast food.

Perform exercise

Being physically active can help you release toxins that accumulate in the skin and cause oily skin. The WHO recommends exercising two to three times a week.

Make masks and massages

The following are popular techniques that may help reduce the production of oils in the skin. The ingredients of the masks are easy to find and, in addition, the massages will help you improve blood circulation.

N ° 1 mask for oily skin

Rough skin.


  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (oats have health benefits for the skin, according to studies).
  • ½ tablespoon of witch hazel (has proven benefits for the skin in children).

How to prepare it

  • It is an astringent mask that exfoliates the skin and leaves it soft and smooth.
  • First, mix the ingredients to obtain a paste and apply in gentle circles all over the face.
  • Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Repeat every three days.

Mask N ° 2 for oily skin


  • 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt.
  • ½ tablespoon of witch hazel.

How to prepare it

  • Yogurt can be whatever you have at home. Take with your fingers when you have mixed it with the witch hazel and apply, as if it were a cream, all over the face.
  • Rinse after ten minutes with warm water.

Mask N ° 3 for oily skin


  • 1 egg yolk.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.

How to prepare it

  • Separate the yolk from the white and mix the first with the honey (if it is sugary, the better).
  • Apply with a brush or with your fingers, always with circular movements. Finally,  let it dry before removing with warm water.

Have you already taken note of how you can help eliminate oily skin? We are sure that these tips and techniques will help you to do so. What are you waiting for to start putting them into practice?

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