How To Treat Gout Symptoms With 8 Natural Remedies

Gout symptoms have been shown to be linked to hypertension and obesity.

Even poor diet and alcohol consumption can also to collaborate with its development.

Gout is a disease associated with a form of arthritis due to a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints and other parts of the body.

One of its main symptoms is the sudden presence of pain in the affected joints.

You may also feel pain in your big toe.

However, the symptoms of gout can be treated with natural remedies such as the ones presented below:

How to combat gout symptoms

gout symptoms

1. Drink an infusion of ginger

Preparing ginger tea can reduce the symptomatic effects of gout.

A study shows that the use of ginger is favorable for the treatment of this type of arthritis.

  • Drinking ginger tea will reduce inflammation and pain . Ginger can also be added in meal preparation.
  • Another option is to mix ginger powder with a few drops of water and apply to the affected area.

2. Drink a glass of lemon juice

A recent study shows how lemon juice is beneficial in treating patients with symptoms of gout and other conditions .


Lemon has components that allow to counteract excess uric acid in the body and to relieve all kinds of swelling.

It is recommended to drink lemon juice twice a day with some water.

3. Eat cherries

Cherry intake reduces sudden presence of gout symptoms, as supported by a number of studies.

The cherry has antioxidant components that help reduce inflammation of the joints.

  • Eat a dose of 20 cherries It serves as an antidote to counteract the symptoms of gout.
  • What’s more,  Its high content of vitamin C allows to normalize uric acid in the blood.

4. Drink apple cider vinegar with water

apple cider vinegar

The pain caused by gout can also be reduced by making use of apple cider vinegar.

This liquid has interesting properties that also collaborate with the weightloss , one of the main causes of gout.

  • An easy remedy to prepare is to add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and sweeten to taste.
  • It is recommended to drink it  on an empty stomach  daily .

5. Consume pineapple

Pineapple is high in bromelain, an enzyme whose properties are useful in relieving deflammation in cases of gout.

If we have symptoms of gout or have any kind of discomfort, we can consume it  in juices, smoothies, salads or added in different recipes .

6. Drink a glass of water with baking soda

Baking soda is used to relieve pain and reduce excess uric acid.

  • So u An effective remedy in these cases is to dilute a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water and drink it three times a day for two weeks (9 g in 200 ml).
  • Nevertheless, It is advisable to consult with the doctor before carrying out this treatment, since this drink is not recommended in people with hypertension .

7. Drink lots of water

In the case of gout is recommended to increase water consumption, since e This collaborates with the elimination of uric acid in the blood through the kidneys .

  • A remedy that can help reduce the swelling and redness of the feet caused by gout is to place an onion in a container of water and heat for a period of ten minutes.
  • Subsequently, the liquid is ingested at least three times a day.
  • And, to avoid the strong flavor of this drink a bit, it is recommended to add some sugar or honey.

8. Place an ice pack on the affected area

Ice packs are used to relieve the pain of bruises.

  • A cold compress is recommended, or wrap a piece of ice in a piece of cloth, and place it on the part that presents the discomfort.
  • Then, gentle massages should be performed, for a period of ten minutes.
  • This will allow you to relax, reduce inflammation and relieve pain . Avoid placing bare ice on the affected area, as this would only cause further irritation.

Try preparing some of these home remedies to treat those ailments of the body.

You will surely notice improvement as the days go by!

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