How To Treat Gastritis Quickly And At Home?

In addition to recognizing the triggers of gastritis in each particular case, we can use one of these remedies to relieve symptoms and improve the condition.

Suffering from the condition of gastritis is very uncomfortable.

Pain and burning appear in the upper part of the stomach, which makes the partial well-being of the organism impossible.

Despite not being a fatal condition, its symptoms are unpleasant and, in turn, unwanted.

What is gastritis?

It is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Its function is the production of mucus that protects the stomach from attack by digestive acids and enzymes. When it is affected, irritation can cause various reactions in the body.

The triggers for this condition are varied. According to this study carried out by the Arzobispo Loayza National Hospital (Peru), the following stand out:

  • Physical or psychological stress.
  • Infections caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
  • Anxiety.
  • Consumption of alcohol and tobacco.
  • Surgeries
  • Spicy or high-fat foods.
  • The indiscriminate intake of painkillers.
  • Old age.
  • Autoimmune reactions.
  • Parasitic conditions.

    The complexity of gastritis


    In general terms, each disease is usually characterized by a common or similar symptom picture among patients. However, gastritis tends to vary from person to person.

    Depending on the degree of complexity that the patient presents, a gastroscopy may be required. Within the symptoms and according to the United States National Library of Medicine in its report, the following may occur:

    • Mouth gas or belching.
    • Stomach ache.
    • Heartburn or heartburn.
    • Flatulence
    • Pain in the upper abdominal area.
    • Threw up.
    • Bloody stools

    Home remedies to treat gastritis

    Despite being a somewhat complex condition, based on the above, it can be treated in various ways. Home remedies can be very effective.

    Below we will expose a series of easy-to-prepare alternatives:

    Potato juice


    Raw potatoes are an excellent alternative to treat gastritis, especially if it is their juice.

    These are characterized by being a good anti-inflammatory, according to this study carried out by Purdue University.


    • 2 potatoes


    • Peel two potatoes and grate them.
    • Next, put them in a colander and apply pressure to obtain the juice or juice.


    • The result should be diluted with a little warm water to give it a more liquid consistency.
    • It is recommended to ingest it, at least, three times a day. It can be once before each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

    Rice water

    Its action is similar to that of potato juice, therefore, it is very effective for the treatment of a disease such as gastritis. According to this study, carried out by the Mahidol University (Thailand), the consumption of rice would be related to an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action in cases of rectal cancer. It is one of the simplest homemade alternatives to prepare and consume.


    • Water (1 liter).
    • Rice (100 g).


    • Heat the water to a boil and add the rice.
    • Let it cook for 8 minutes and remove from heat.
    • Strain the rice and reserve the water.
    • Wait for it to cool down and consume it 2 times a day.

    Plain yogurt


    The properties of natural yogurt are responsible for preventing inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

    Thanks to the probiotics and lactobacilli present in this food, the chances of colonization of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria are reduced, according to this interesting research from Benha University (Egypt).

    • In addition to consuming pre-made yogurt, we can prepare it at home to ensure that it is completely natural.
    • To prevent or treat gastritis, it is enough to eat 3 cups of this yogurt throughout the day.


    According to this research carried out by the University of Turin (Italy), oats are responsible for treating inflammation and acidity caused by gastritis. In addition, thanks to its soluble fiber content, it has multiple benefits for the body in general.


    • Oat flakes (30 g).
    • Water (500 ml).


    • Heat the water and cook the oatmeal for 6 minutes.
    • Avoid sweetening it with sugar.
    • It is recommended to consume it in the morning hours, during breakfast.

    Organic honey

    Among the many benefits of organic honey we also find that of combating gastritis, since it reduces acidity.

    In addition, this study carried out by the Central Clinic “Cira GarcĂ­a” (Cuba), affirms that it is healing and moisturizing.


    • Water (200 ml).
    • Organic honey (50 or 75 g).


    • Heat a glass of water to a bearable temperature.
    • Add the honey, mix well and consume it.

    It is recommended to perform this home treatment on an empty stomach.

    Gastritis can be quite an annoying and painful condition. Try to prevent it by avoiding eating foods that are too strong or that can damage the stomach. On the other hand, put these tips into practice to get relief.

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