How To Remove Excess Sugar From The Body

At some point, we have all heard that excessive consumption of sugar (sucrose) is harmful to health. Therefore, professionals recommend reducing it as much as possible and learning to improve eating habits.

It has been shown that this edible can harm those who suffer from depressive states, anxiety and some cognitive problems, according to this study carried out by University College London.

Today, sugar is present in most foods. Therefore, it is very difficult to completely eliminate it from the diet. However, reducing its consumption is possible.

This process can be achieved through changes in eating habits. Consulting suitable diets with a specialist is the best.  In addition, it is always advisable to exercise regularly.

sugar consumption

The link between sugar and weight gain

Fat deposits are not the only thing that explains excess weight. Carbohydrates can also affect this condition. Sugar often appears in common consumer products, such as juices in cartons, cereals, some salad dressings, yogurts, sweets and many more.

There is a big difference between refined and natural sugars. For example, refining tends to increase the level of sugar in the blood, according to this study carried out by the National University of Colombia. This, over time, leads to the development of fat deposits in the waist, hip, and thigh area.

Natural food regimen

One of the most recommended ways to start avoiding this product in your diet is to  commit to a diet based on natural foods. These may include:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Lean meat and fish.
  • Nuts, seeds and healthy fats, such as those found in avocado or olive oil.

It is highly recommended to include in the diet the consumption of foods with protein. These are very beneficial and help to calm the appetite.

eat a balanced diet

Likewise, it is advisable to avoid refined carbohydrates as much as possible. As for example, they include white breads, pasta, soda and baked goods. Instead, opt for vegetable carbs like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, eggplants, artichokes, and bell peppers.

How to avoid sugar?

Eating plan to reduce sugar consumption

1st recommendation of healthy eating

For breakfast it is usually recommended to consume 1 cup of oatmeal with berries and almonds. This can be accompanied by 3 eggs, preferably boiled.

For the morning snack, for example, you can opt for 1 bowl of walnuts. It should be remembered that to follow a good diet it is not necessary to starve. 

At lunchtime, you could opt for a grilled chicken breast. This can be accompanied by pumpkin, beets, carrots, turnips, beans and almonds.

Finally, at dinner time, it is advisable to eat grilled fish, along with a plate of green beans and broccoli. Mushrooms can be added to the dish.

2nd recommendation of healthy eating 

First of all, at breakfast time, it is recommended to opt for 1 cup of oatmeal with berries and seeds. Later, as a substitute for your morning snack, eat 1 bowl of almonds.

At lunchtime, make a healthy green and red cabbage salad with grated carrots, olive oil, lemon, salt, and chopped parsley sauce as a topping.

For dinner, you can opt for steamed green vegetables, baked cod with Brussels sprouts, and roasted turnips.

Flour-free diet

Day 3

First of all, for breakfast, you can have 3 scrambled eggs with prawns and cabbage salad, radish and nuts. As for the morning snack, there is the option of consuming 1 bowl of walnuts.

At lunchtime, opt for roasted chicken legs with rosemary, sage, lemon, onion, thyme, and black olives. Likewise, for dinner, it is recommended to have mushroom broth with garlic, onion, celery, thyme, carrots and bay leaves.

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