How To Quit Smoking With Plants And Fruits: Put It Into Practice!

Quitting is not easy. Nobody gets it from one day to the next, and even less if it does not include, in addition, great willpower. We are all clear that miracles of this type do not exist, at the moment, we do not have that “effective remedy” that keeps us away from tobacco or avoids withdrawal symptoms.

What we do know is that smoking is bad, and it can kill us. However, there are millions of people who continue with this unhealthy addiction, living with a “sword of Damocles” over their heads, waiting for the consequences to appear on the least expected day.

Today in our space we want to tell you about the best medicinal plants and fruits that can help you in this process. However, always remember that the best ally to quit smoking is your willpower.

1. Passionflower to combat withdrawal syndrome

We have talked to you on numerous occasions about the benefits of passionflower. You already know that you can find it in many natural stores and that it is used to try to relieve nerves and combat anxiety.

Passionflower is often said to be a plant that could help you fight withdrawal symptoms. That is, it will not help you quit smoking, but it will prevent the usual anxiety, nervousness, bad mood, insomnia, despair from arising when you are trying.

How to take passionflower?

  • You can find passionflower in natural stores, and it is available in capsules, tablets, in the form of drops or in tea bags.
  • The University of Maryland Medical Center (United States) tells us that, to combat withdrawal in adults, you can take between 15 and 30 drops, three times a day.
  • If you want to take it as an infusion, just boil 20 grams of the dried passionflower plant with a glass of water (200 ml).

    2. Licorice to quit smoking

    The main secret that licorice contains and that is believed to benefit us to quit smoking is glycyrrhizin. It is what gives it that unique and strong flavor. However, there are not enough studies to ensure these effects. In fact, according to some research, licorice in women could have the opposite effect.

    It could help us reduce the urge to smoke. However, it must be said that it is not recommended for diabetics, in addition, adverse effects may appear due to its continued use.

    How can I take licorice?

    The best way to benefit from licorice to quit smoking is through an infusion. Take note of how you should do it:


    • 5 g of dried licorice root.
    • 3 glasses of water (600 ml)


    • Boil the water
    • Then add 5 grams of the dried licorice root. (It is best to use a copper pot, since thanks to this material the active principles of the licorice root are obtained much better).
    • Once ready, let it sit for 10 minutes and take it to a glass bottle.
    • You should drink 3 cups a day, after each meal. You can take it hot, warm or even cold, as you want.

    3. Infusion of ginger and lemon to combat dependency

    Ginger may act as a relaxant, anti-inflammatory, and natural antibiotic. We are interested, above all, for its acid and strong flavor, hence it is very beneficial to also accompany it with a little natural juice. The sensation will be even more intense and will act as a natural antioxidant.


    • 60 g of grated ginger root
    • The juice of ½ lemon.
    • 3 glasses of water (600 ml)


    • Bring those three glasses of water to a boil
    • Add the ginger root.
    • Allow it to cook for 20 minutes, then lower the heat and let it rest for 10 minutes.
    • Add the juice of half a lemon.
    • You should drink a first cup on an empty stomach and the next two after each meal.

    4. Noni juice to fight addiction

    The interesting benefits of noni fruit

    Do you know the fruit of noni? It is also called cimarrona soursop or Indian blackberry, it has a very pleasant taste and has many uses for our health:

    • Noni is ideal to reduce inflammation
    • Relieves cough
    • Reduces arthritis pain
    • It helps us to quit smoking.


    • ½ noni.
    • A glass of water (200 ml).
    • A tablespoon of honey (20 grams).


    We are going to drink this juice in the morning, as soon as we get up. In this way we will fight the morning need for that first cigarette. You just have to bring all the ingredients to your blender and get a very homogeneous juice. Then, sweeten it with a teaspoon of honey.

    As we discussed at the beginning, there are no miracle methods that will make you quit smoking overnight. It takes great willpower to convince yourself of the negative effects that tobacco has on the body.

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