How To Prepare Medicinal Candies At Home

Homemade medicinal candies are a good option to treat different conditions such as throat or stomach conditions.

Medicinal candies are a traditional remedy to help fight the symptoms of different conditions that affect your health. You can prepare your own medicinal candies at home quickly and easily. In addition, they will be much more natural than those you can find on the market.

Nature offers us many plants and herbs with medicinal action. The choice will depend on the condition or health problem that you want to treat naturally. They can even serve not only as treatment, but also as preventives.

Medicinal candies are an ideal option to enjoy all the aroma and flavor of your favorite plants, but in a completely different way, with a balsamic and refreshing effect.

The possibility of combining flavors and ingredients full of properties allows us to have a very interesting alternative treatment at hand. Next, we want to share several ways to make them and their respective uses.

Medicinal ginger candies

medicinal ginger candies

Upset stomachs are a very common ailment. It is usually characterized by inflammation, pain, and gas. To alleviate these symptoms, ginger,  due to its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties, is ideal as the main ingredient in this recipe.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml).
  • ¼ cup of grated ginger root (25 g).
  • ¼ cup of honey (84 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (15 g).
  • ¾ cup of brown sugar (150 g).

Form of elaboration

  • Grate the ginger root and crush it with a spoon until you get the equivalent of a quarter cup.
  • Take it to a pot of water and simmer until half of the liquid evaporates. Then strain the drink and reserve.
  • Spray a small tray with coconut oil, line the inside with wax paper, and add a little more oil.
  • Put the ginger water in a large pot, bring it to high heat and add the sugar and honey. Stir while it reaches 150ºC
  • To check that the caramel is already there, place a teaspoon of the product in a glass of cold water. If it hardens, it is ready.
  • Then place it on the waxed tray and let it rest for 30 minutes.  Then flip the tray over and remove the paper.
  • Brush a knife with coconut oil and cut the caramel into several cubes. If you put them in the fridge, you can keep them for more than six weeks.

Consume a candy before or after meals to avoid indigestion. In case of nausea or dizziness take two or three.

Sage candies for a sore throat

Sore throat remedy

Irritation and sore throat can be soothed with these candies with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.


  • 10 sprigs of fresh sage
  • ½ cup of sugar (100 g)

Form of elaboration

  • Wash the fresh sage well, dry it and separate the leaves from the stems. With a sharp knife, chop the leaves finely.
  • In a suitable container,  melt the sugar over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon until it turns a golden hue.
  • When this happens, add the chopped sage and keep stirring to mix well.
  • Remove the caramel from the heat, spread it out on a tray lined with wax paper and let it cool slightly. When the temperature has dropped,  knead it to form the caramel balls.

Consume one of these candies every 4 hours to soothe a sore throat.

Medicinal candies to relieve cough

Medicinal candies to fight coughs

To combat coughs and other common symptoms of respiratory conditions,  you can take advantage of the antimicrobial and soothing properties of various plants.


A tablespoon of:

  • Thyme (10 g).
  • Eucalyptus (10 g).
  • Sage (10 g).
  • Ginger (10 g).
  • Rosemary (10 g).

And also, ½ cup of sugar (100 g), ¼ cup of honey (84 g) and 1 cup of water (250 ml).

Form of elaboration

  • Heat a cup of water and, when it comes to a boil, add all the herbs. Cover it and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes for the plants to release their extracts. After time strain it.
  • Next, pour the mixture into a saucepan and bring it to low heat along with the sugar and honey. Leave it until the sugar is diluted and begins to boil.
  • When you notice that it acquires a thick consistency, turn off the heat. Then spread the mixture on a greased tray.
  • Cut the caramel cubes before it cools or use molds.

It is advisable to take a candy every three hours until the cough is calmed.

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