How To Prepare 5 Natural Remedies For Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Diabetic foot ulcers are sore-shaped lesions that appear as a result of the damage caused by high glucose on the vessels, nerves and also on the epithelial tissue.

As its name indicates, it is a common condition among those who suffer from diabetes and, according to studies, due to the complications it involves, it is related to the cases of amputations that are usually performed on patients with this disease.

Although at the beginning they are painless and do not represent a major discomfort, it is essential to provide them with timely treatment to avoid infections or also problems of greater care.

Fortunately, in addition to medical treatments, there are natural remedies that can help speed your recovery without causing adverse effects.

In the following space we want to share in detail the 5 best ones so that you do not hesitate to apply them if you face this condition.

1. Aloe vera and tea tree oil

diabetic foot ulcers

By combining the prodigious aloe vera gel with tea tree essential oil, we can obtain an antimicrobial, healing and anti-inflammatory product to promote the relief of diabetic foot ulcers.

Its regular application protects the affected area against infection and also helps to heal injured tissues.


  • 5 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (75 g).
  • 6 drops of tea tree essential oil.


  • Extract the fresh aloe vera gel and then mix it with the tea tree essential oil.

Application mode

  • Wash your feet, dry them carefully and then apply the treatment to the affected areas.
  • Leave it on overnight, without rinsing.
  • Repeat its application every day.

2. Calendula infusion

Due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, calendula flowers can be used as a supplement to heal injuries caused by diabetic foot.

Its external use accelerates the healing of ulcers and also  reduces the risk of infections.


  • 3 tablespoons of calendula flowers (30 g).
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml).


  • Bring the cups of water to a boil and, when they come to a boil, add the calendula flowers.
  • Then let it sit for 10-15 minutes and pour the liquid into a container.

Application mode

  • Soak your feet in the infusion for 15-20 minutes.
  • Repeat the treatment every night before going to bed.

3. Infusion of ginkgo biloba


The consumption of ginkgo biloba infusion is ideal for improving circulation in the lower body area.

This quality is what helps us to improve the situation in case of ulcers, promoting their healing in a short time.


  • 1 tablespoon of ginkgo biloba (10 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).


  • Add the tablespoon of ginkgo biloba to a cup of boiling water and then let it steep for 10 minutes.

Consumption mode

  • Drink a cup of infusion in the middle of the morning and, if you like, repeat its consumption in the afternoon.

4. Sea salt for diabetic foot ulcers

Baths with sea salt help accelerate the recovery of skin affected by ulcers and, in addition, exert an antiseptic effect that helps reduce the risk of infections.

Its essential minerals reduce inflammation and also  optimize circulation to achieve rapid relief from these types of injuries.


  • 6 tablespoons of sea salt (60 g).
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml).


  • Pour the cups of water into a basin and then add the tablespoons of sea salt.

Application mode

  • Dip your feet in the solution and then let them soak for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse and repeat the remedy at least 3 times a week.

    5. Coconut oil and vitamin E for diabetic foot ulcers

    coconut oil

    The massages with a natural cream of coconut oil and vitamin E help us to improve circulation in the feet, in addition, it gives an extra hydration to the skin.

    These ingredients have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that, incidentally, help us avoid infections on ulcers.


    • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil (45 g).
    • 1 capsule of vitamin E.


    • Combine coconut oil with the content of a vitamin E capsule.

    Application mode

    • Take a small amount of the product and then rub it with gentle massages on the feet.
    • Leave it to act without rinsing and repeat its use every night.

      The application of these natural remedies can help prevent and also treat diabetic foot ulcers; However, when faced with these injuries, it is essential to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

      Although natural products promote healing, it is necessary to monitor the problem with the help of a professional, since he can determine if complications may occur.

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