How To Organize The Wedding Day?

The dress, the rings, the banquet, the orchestra, the party room, the number of guests, the way to distribute the guests at the tables so that they feel comfortable, the design of the invitations and many other details are part of everything that involves organizing the wedding day.

A wedding is one of the most important events in a couple’s life and all the guests will be there with great anticipation. Therefore, it is essential to write down every detail so as not to forget anything and achieve an unforgettable celebration.

It is true that, at times, anxiety can manifest itself and make us feel very nervous. However, we must try to put aside negative thoughts and focus on the fact that the most important thing is to move forward little by little, with a good disposition and humor. Rather than leaving the friendliness and joy for that special day, it is necessary to learn to enjoy planning.

Tips to organize the wedding day and make it perfect

1. A short romantic ceremony

Whether it’s civil, religious, or both, they have to agree that it’s accurate and that it doesn’t take too long. Although they are eager to seal their love, when they are very long it generates boredom. And then changing the mood is a bit more difficult.

It is clear that friends and family who are there enjoy this link. However, like it or not, the most attractive thing is the party itself. Knowing that, there is no point in keeping you waiting too long.

2. A special reception

Flower gift bag

Having a minimum detail with each person who arrives at the place is a manifestation of gratitude that is not forgotten. Many will talk about it later. A warm welcome that shows how important it is for the bride and groom to share the wedding day.

Depending on the time with which this moment is planned, there are several alternatives. They can have something general or something personalized for each family. For example, a scented candle with a “Thank you Juan for sharing our wedding.”

3. Tables designed to interact

Thinking about who will sit at each table is something that must be done conscientiously. They will spend a large part of their time in those places, therefore they have to be comfortable.

Considering personalities, interests, and familiarity relationships is very important. This ensures that everyone is comfortable and can converse calmly.

4. Music for everyone

Some couples choose the musicalization of the party according to their own tastes, but they should not forget the rest. The party is a magical night for the bride and groom, but the guests are an essential part of it.

Clarify previously to the DJ what type of music you prefer for dinner and foresee a range of musical styles for the dance. To make it more participatory, they can place cards on each table to make song requests.

5. Wedding games

Laughter at a wedding

Select some sector of the room and set it up so that special games can be played. Adults and children really enjoy this novelty, especially those who do not want to dance.

There are a wide variety of fun and inexpensive games to brighten up the party. Another benefit is that there is greater integration between the guests.

6. Open and varied bar

The drink is very important during all the hours that the party lasts. They have to think of an open bar that can be accessed all the time.

Also, you need a variety that includes all possible tastes. Various types of soft drinks, juices, smoothies, beers and other alcoholic beverages cannot be absent.

7. Photographs with everyone

Girl with taking pictures

On the day of the wedding, the bride and groom have to greet and be photographed with all the guests. It is important that no one feels displaced or forgotten at the event. They have come there to share the ceremony and must remain in the memory.

Nowadays, it is easier to get images of everyone, through mobile devices. So do not forget to invite each of the attendees to take their own photographs   and upload them to the wall.

8. The last memory

The farewell is as important as the reception. Therefore, it is necessary to offer a souvenir to take home. Ideally, it is something useful and sober so that it lasts.


Organizing your wedding day can be overwhelming, but it’s actually simple; It is just a matter of thinking carefully about the smallest details so that all the guests are well.

A good exercise is to imagine yourself as a third party who attends the place and think about what you would like to see or have available.

Surely you will not be able to control all the details and of course, those that are foreign to you, less. However, think about how your reaction would be and how you could provide alternatives to your guests.

With joy, tranquility and a desire to have fun, they can generate the dream day without too much investment. By following these tips and taking the time to prepare it calmly… Nothing can go wrong!

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