How To Make Meringues With Vegan Ingredients

Did you know that it is possible to make meringues with vegan ingredients? This may surprise you, since the vegan diet does not include any products of animal origin. Therefore, the egg and any dairy derivative are ruled out.

Discover in this article how meringues are made with vegan ingredients. When you know the secret of this recipe you will be very surprised. Until you try it, you won’t believe it.

The vegan diet

Woman cooking

The vegan diet excludes all foods of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, dairy). In fact, if it is a strict option, even products such as honey or gelatin are excluded.

Many people choose this type of diet temporarily or indefinitely. It can be for ethical, religious or health reasons, mostly. However, vegan recipes are also an excellent option for those with intolerances to certain foods, such as lactose or eggs.

Meringue, an irresistible sweet

Meringue, also known as suspiro, is a very popular dessert. It is made with beaten egg white and sugar. In some cases, colorants or nuts are also added. It can be eaten alone or as a filling for cakes. In addition, we can find them in different types of textures, from soft to hard.

As the main ingredient is the egg, it seems difficult to imagine how we could make meringues with vegan ingredients. In addition, the cream could have similarity, but it is not a vegan food either. So how do we do it?

Meringues with vegan ingredients

Meringues with vegan ingredients

The key to vegan meringue is aquafaba. This name is known as the liquid in chickpeas and other cooked packaged legumes, which we always discarded without knowing its potential. Aquafaba is presented as the perfect substitute for the egg.

  • The exact ratio is 1 clear per 30 ml of aquafaba.

Here we share this simple and surprising recipe so you can discover how you can turn aquafaba into a delicious meringue. A healthy, light and nutritious food that will surprise those who try it.


  • ½ cup of aquafaba or liquid from the chickpea bottle (100 ml)
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar (120 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of liquid vanilla essence (3 ml)

Preparation of meringues with vegan ingredients

  • First, drain the liquid from the chickpeas well with a strainer and put the aquafaba in a bowl. We should not worry if the water has added salt. 
  • We can use this liquid cold for better results, so we can refrigerate it for an hour.
  • Then beat well with electric rods. In the same way as if it were egg white, we will see how the foam increases, which becomes increasingly white and thick.
  • Add the sugar gradually. The aquafaba will assemble in about 5 minutes, although the consistency will be slightly lighter than with the whites.
  • Then add the vanilla essence as well.
  • We will know that the meringue is ready when it forms peaks when removing the rods. Now it is ready for whatever use we want to give it.

Does it taste like chickpea?

Although this recipe is made with the liquid from the chickpeas, you should not worry about the taste, since no one will notice the presence of the legumes. Sugar is in charge of camouflaging it.

Otherwise, this meringue has the same appearance and texture as the egg one, and both are irresistible. Therefore, we give you some ideas to get the most out of them.

Other uses of meringues with vegan ingredients

Gluten-free and dairy-free lemon meringue pie

Once we have assembled the aquafaba as if it were meringue, we can take advantage of this recipe for other sweet options:

  • Baked meringue:  Some meringue recipes are baked (for example, sighs or macarons). With this vegan option we can also make them.
  • Whipped cream : For example, to accompany some strawberries.
  • Mousse : Chocolate, red berries, banana, coffee, etc.
  • Confectionery : As an egg substitute, to give more fluffiness to cookies and cakes.
  • Mayonnaise : The ideal egg-free sauce for those who do not want to stop enjoying mayonnaise.

Do you dare to try these meringues options with vegan ingredients? Enjoy new ideas in baking and surprise your guests with this product that no one will suspect.

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