How To Deal With Negative Reviews?

Why, instead of taking it as a personal attack, don’t we learn to use negative criticism to grow as individuals and improve ourselves? It’s a matter of changing your perspective

Negative reviews provoke feelings such as anger, anger, and sadness. However, while many people fit them well, others don’t. It is never too late to learn to face negative criticism and that, instead of becoming our great enemies, they help us improve.

Therefore, today we will give some keys to accept what we feel when others give us their opinion and redirect our emotions in a positive way. In fact, you can take negative reviews as tools for personal growth; let’s see how.

Negative reviews are necessary

Although we have a habit of rejecting everything that makes us feel bad, the truth is that the negative also helps us to build our character. It tests us, and allows us to mature and learn, which never hurts. When negative criticism echoes in our lives, it is important to accept that our first reaction will be anger, anger, bewilderment or discomfort …

There will be endless emotions that will take over, but we must be prepared to make a decision regarding them. When these feelings appear, it is time to choose between three paths.

  • The first, which they always recommend us to visit, is to turn a deaf ear. In this way, we ignore what we hear, turn our backs on it, and go on with our lives. This choice has its consequences. We could learn a lot, because turning our backs on what we don’t like is not a good decision, sometimes.
  • The second of the roads, the one we constantly travel, is sadness and feeling depressed.
  • The third, the most recommended, is to accept negative criticism in an assertive way. But … How to do this?

1. Keep an open mind

A critic does not define you. It is simply pointing to something that you do or think. Therefore, once the feelings of anger or sadness pass, it is important to open your mind. Negative reviews don’t detract from you. It’s like thinking that mistakes make us fail, it’s exactly the same!

You have given an equivocal value to these opinions that cause you discomfort, but that can tell many truths. Therefore, the attitude you should take should be to dialogue with that person who has criticized you. That way, you can see things from a new point of view that will enrich you and be of great help in future similar situations.

2. What was the intention of the criticism?

They criticize-in-you-what-they-don't-like-about-themselves-2

Keeping an open attitude does not imply that you should take everything at face value or believe in the truth of what the other person says. Nothing of that. You have to inquire about the true intention of all those negative reviews that have been directed towards you.

Sometimes negative reviews are meant to annoy you. Perhaps the other person is not having a good day and is paying for it with you or is envious of what you have achieved. At other times, criticism will be aimed at helping you. In fact, there will be no evil on the part of the person who tells you. Therefore, it is important to discover the true intention of the critic so as not to be misled.

3. Make or not decisions regarding criticism

Criticism will affect you as much as you let it affect you.

Have you discovered that the negative reviews thrown at you are intended to help you? Then it is time to decide if you should make changes in your life or not. Sometimes, you will find that you can grow and mature with a few simple modifications in your habits that will allow you to be a better person.

However, other times acting accordingly in regard to criticism will not bring you anything good and will be wasted effort. You determine whether it is relevant to value an opinion or not. Of course, do not waste your time thinking about it if it is not going to get you anywhere.

Final thoughts

How do you react to negative reviews? Do you know how to direct them in the best way or, on the contrary, do they surpass you? Sometimes we get defensive because they damage our ego and we have to stop it. However, adopting a different attitude can enrich and help us a lot as people.

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