How To Create Your Home Gym

To set up a home gym, it is convenient to dedicate a certain space and adapt it to the needs of the exercises you want to carry out. Don’t miss out on these ideas.

Exercising is a way to improve health in many ways and distract yourself from everyday tasks. If you don’t have time to train, here are four elements that you can use to make a gym at home.

The daily routine is time consuming, and this can lead you to neglect your body by focusing only on work or home. However, there are several methods to exercise and provide well-being to the body. Being at home is not always synonymous with resting and doing nothing.

Your daily routine

The basis of all physical change is based on four great pillars: motivation, training, nutrition and rest. Motivation is key to getting a good workout; This will be the basis to encourage you and to be able to train at home.

In relation to training, in a conventional gym there are a number of elements and machines that allow you to develop an optimal routine. We can find treadmills, exercise bikes, weights or multifunctional machines, among other elements.

However, at home you can also set up your own gym ; You just have to spend time training and encourage yourself to create a plan. If you decide on this option, keep in mind that you will still need the guidance – and sometimes supervision – of a physical activity professional.

Elements to make your own gym at home

Making a gym at home is simple, and you can use different objects and elements that you have nearby. Here are some tips for you to create your own space and be able to exercise every day. Go ahead, get out of the routine and train at home!

1. Mat or mat

Woman exercising on mat.

The mat or mat is a useful element for training at home ; For example, you can use it for yoga or toning exercises. The ideal is to have a comfortable and non-slip mat , in order to avoid falls or injuries.

With a mat, you can perform push-ups, sit-ups, and exercises that involve lying down. You can also do work to strengthen your abdomen, back, and legs.

It is a fundamental element to consolidate the practice at home. In addition, it is important to have a means to support your back and not do it directly on the ground, since you can injure yourself if you force your body beyond its limits.

2. Choose a large space

Woman sitting on the living room floor.

In your home you can choose a space such as the living room or room, where you do not have so many elements that interrupt the training. If there are chairs or tables that get in the way, move them around so you can train without fear of hitting yourself.

Your home gym will be your personal space; adapting it according to your tastes is the best option to enjoy the training. In addition, training freely helps to perform in the exercises.

On the other hand, keep in mind that at home there will be many distractions, such as the television or the sofa … Do not think about them and focus your attention on training!

3. Homemade weights

To tone your arms, you can make your own homemade weights, as this instrument will be essential for training. Lifting weights will help you strengthen your biceps, triceps and chest muscles, and you can even increase muscle volume, as explained in a study published by Sports Medicine .

Some options for “making” homemade weights include the following:

  • Fill two medium soda or water bottles with grains, rocks, or sand to add weight. Then, you can join them with a stick or bar to hold them.
  • Use two cans, fill them with sand or cement and join them with a metal tube. This dumbbell will be heavier, but it will help you with many types of exercises.

    4. Bench or chair

    At home there are always benches or chairs of short stature. This element will be ideal for exercises that need support. One option is to do elbow curls with your hands resting on the chair ; This exercise will be effective in developing the muscles of the arms.

    The bench can also serve as a support to perform the steps or climb steps. This work is ideal for strengthening the legs and calves. For its execution, you only have to raise one leg and then the other. When you are up, you go down and repeat the movement.

    Use the home gym, but with caution

    Ultimately, it is important to clarify that, even if you train at home, all the usual recommendations for physical exercise still count. This includes consulting with a trained coach, getting any necessary pre-medical checks, and warming up and stretching well to reduce the risk of injury.

    Try it! These simple elements will help you turn any space into a home gym. With these recommendations, you have no excuses to train and spend time with your body. 

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