How To Cook Vegetables Correctly?

Did you know that the way you cook your vegetables is as important as how you eat your vegetables?

Depending on the container we use, the type of cooking, the oil, the seasonings, we can prepare a simple dish or one that is rich in vitamins, minerals and preserving all its flavor.

In this article we give you the keys to get the full potential of vegetables, without complications, following a few simple steps.

How can we cook vegetables?

What oil do we use?

The first step is to choose a vegetable oil of quality that allows us to cook at high temperatures, since most of them lose their properties and some become toxic. The most suitable oils are:

  1. Coconut oil .
  2. Olive oil.

Both must be cold first press. Keep in mind that they are even better if they are ecological.

Oils such as sunflower or sesame are also very healthy. However, they do not admit heat. Therefore, we will reserve them to dress the already cooked dishes.

What container do we use?

Over time it has been shown that many containers and kitchen utensils over time can be toxic, since they release substances that accumulate in our body in the form of toxins. These are very difficult to remove and can end up causing illness.

We recommend using pans and pots of :

  • Stainless steel.
  • Molten iron.
  • Glass.
  • Ceramics.
  • Titanium.

On the other hand, we will avoid those made of aluminum and, above all, those made of Teflon, which according to many studies can be carcinogenic in the long term.

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Some vegetables that are too hard, such as cabbage or broccoli, can be marinated with a mixture of:

  • Oil
  • Vinegar
  • Sea salt
  • Brown sugar
  • Lemon
  • Spice

We will let them rest for at least two hours so that they soften and in this way we will be able to eat and digest them much better.


We can also make fermented vegetables to improve our intestinal function, putting the canned vegetables with water and salt.

We will leave it in a hermetically sealed glass jar for at least two weeks. Later we will consume it and keep it in the fridge.


The seeds of some vegetables can be germinated to be consumed as a garnish, in salads, soups, tortillas. It will be enough to put the seeds in a container in which they receive humidity but without water. This will prevent them from rotting and will be kept at a warm temperature until the root begins to sprout.

All sprouts are highly nutritious and rich in vitamins and minerals, and provide a lot of vitality to our body.

The condiments

To cook them we will always use sea ​​salt and avoid refined or table salt, which is very poor in minerals.

We can also play with the spices to make the vegetables more tasty:

  • Ginger
  • Cumin
  • Smoked paprika
  • Oregano
  • Fresh basil

These will be excellent options that will also help us to facilitate digestion.

When there are legumes

If we are going to cook the vegetables together with legumes, we recommend adding a little kombu seaweed and cumin to the stew to better soften the legumes and also facilitate digestion.

With these tips, forget about cooking vegetables as you have always done. Use them and you can eat these foods correctly , without losing their properties that will benefit your health.

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