How To Combat Nail Fungus

Nail fungus does not usually cause pain unless the infection has advanced to significant levels, in which case we should see a doctor.

The appearance of nail fungus is a problem that raises some concern. Although it is not always serious or noticeable, the gradual development of its symptoms makes many prefer to treat them as soon as possible.

At first it manifests itself with a change in the color and texture of the nail. Later, when the infection becomes complicated, there is a weakening that often ends in the total loss of the nail.

Can fungi cause pain? Patients with this condition often ask this question as it is usually not perceived during the initial stages. However, when it is allowed to advance without treatment, it is very likely that the sensitivity in the area will increase, leading to this and other symptoms.

This time we want to review some of its main causes and various natural remedies that are believed to help combat them.

Why does nail fungus occur?

Nail fungus is known in medical terms as onychomycosis. This is an infection that originates when dermatophytes and yeasts manage to proliferate excessively, either in the nails of the hands or feet.

These microorganisms grow more easily in humid and warm environments, such as those found in some shoes. In addition, they can indicate a weakening of the immune system, since there are not enough defenses to stop them.

Risk factor’s

  • Suffering from diabetes mellitus .
  • Have nail deformities.
  • Having excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).
  • Do not dry your feet carefully after showering.
  • Having contact with humid and warm environments in public spaces such as swimming pools, gyms or showers.
  • Wear shoes or socks whose manufacturing material does not allow adequate perspiration of the foot (that is, many textiles that are not cotton).

Does nail fungus cause pain?

Many people have concerns regarding the symptoms of onychomycosis. Although nail changes are obvious symptoms, many doubt the infection because of the absence of pain. Well, to clarify this doubt, we must say that fungi do not always cause pain in the area. The problem progresses progressively and causes this symptom when the infection has reached a higher level of severity.

Symptoms of fungus can include the following:

  • Changes in nail color
  • Nails that thicken or become deformed
  • Nail breakage or total loss of nail
  • Pain and itching in the skin around the nail

Home remedies to combat nail fungus

To combat nail fungus, it is best to go to the doctor and follow his instructions. However, some remedies have been proposed in the popular arena that are believed to be helpful in mild cases.

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil

This essential oil is attributed antimicrobial and antifungal properties, therefore, it is considered a valid option to combat nail fungus and also disinfect shoes.

How to use?

  • Dampen a cotton ball with the oil and rub it on the affected nail.
  • Use it 2 times a day, until it is completely cured.

Lemon juice

Due to its content of organic acids and essential oils, it is believed that lemon juice has the ability to alter the environment that microorganisms need to proliferate.

How to use?

  • Rub half a lemon on the affected nail and let it act for at least 30 minutes.
  • Rinse and repeat its use up to 3 times a day.



The sulfur compounds in onion are said to have an antifungal action that can control the growth of nail fungus.

How to use it?

  • Cut a piece of onion and fix it with a bandage on the nail.
  • Let it work all night.

    Oregano essential oil

    Popular for its ability to improve respiratory health, oregano essential oil is another of the great allies against these types of infections.

    How to use?

    • Apply a little oregano essential oil on the affected nails and leave it to act without rinsing.

    Apple cider vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar

    This ingredient contains organic acids that supposedly help eliminate nail fungus naturally.

    Its direct application is said to alter the conditions that fungi need to grow, facilitating infection control.

    How to use?

    • Spray some apple cider vinegar on the affected nails.
    • Optionally, add the ingredient in a basin of warm water and soak your feet or hands for 20 minutes.

      Latest Recommendations

      If you experience any unfavorable reaction, immediately stop using the remedies and consult your doctor. On the other hand, under no circumstances combine several remedies at the same time, as it can be counterproductive.

      If the doctor has prescribed a specific treatment, do not replace it with remedies, because you may experience adverse reactions and interfere with their strategy.

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