How To Choose The Perfect Pillow

A good night’s sleep depends largely on the pillow we use. Would you know how to choose the one you need? We offer you some tips so that your choice is correct.

Since we spend a great deal of time sleeping — about a third of our lives —  both the mattress, the pillow, the sheets, and the blankets need to be adapted to our needs. For this reason, in the following article you will learn how to choose the perfect pillow to rest accordingly.

Why is it necessary to have a comfortable pillow?

Witness of our cries and thoughts, companion of dreams and protector when we are afraid, the pillow is something so personal that we cannot take its choice lightly. Taking into account that it is the support of the head and neck while we sleep, you should know that, by choosing it well, you can avoid the following problems:

  • Neck, back or shoulder pain.
  • Snoring and whistling
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Pains in the upper extremities.
  • Sneezing
  • Insomnia.
  • Nightmares.
  • Poor blood circulation.

What are the rules for choosing the ideal pillow?


The posture we use to sleep and the physical complexion are two issues that we should not ignore when choosing one pillow and not another. It is necessary to know that, when we lie down, the spine must be straight, just like when we are standing. From the beginning of the cervicals to the hip, it must be well aligned.

It is always necessary to sleep using a pillow so that our muscles rest and relax, according to this information from Professor Cristián Contador, from the University of San Sebastián. On the contrary, going to bed all night without it is the same as spending the whole day with the neck turned to the side.

In this area, there are a large number of ligaments, joints and muscles that are stressed during the day. Therefore, it is vital that they relax during the hours that we sleep. If not, we will have pain when we get up and we will not be able to carry out our daily activities.

Choose the pillow according to the material

The most recommended materials for a pillow are:

  • Fiber:  Comfortable, cool and breathable. Allows air circulation to favor moisture absorption; it can be washed, that serves to maintain hygiene during rest.
  • Memory foam:  It adapts to the shape of the head and is heat-sensitive. That is, it provides perfect support to the neck and serves to completely rest the cervical area.
  • Latex:  Soft and pleasant, its internal structure of open cells allows more ventilation and hygiene.

Choose the pillow according to the posture 

In order to choose the right pillow, it is necessary to take into account the position we adopt to sleep. The following pillows are traditionally recommended based on posture:

  • Face down:  It is recommended that it be soft and thin, since those that are too hard make it difficult to breathe or tighten the throat. The pillow must allow the head to be aligned with the body.
  • Face up:  A pillow with intermediate thickness and firmness is the most appropriate, since the part of the head that is supported is the nape of the neck and the cervicals need to rest without problems.
  • On the side:  If we choose a very hard pillow, we will be forcing the neck and we will make it excessively raised. If it is too soft, however, the neck will “sag” and the recommended spinal alignment cannot be achieved. Therefore, an intermediate is correct.


There is a kind of “formula” popularly used to identify what size the perfect pillow should have. With a meter, see how far the distance is from the end of the shoulder to the face (up to where the ear is).

To this result, between 2 and 4 cm should be added, depending on the desired hardness. Therefore, those with wider shoulders will need a thicker pillow than those with narrower shoulders.

Relationship between pillows and snoring

Did you know that there are pillows that prevent snoring? As the best position to rest and not wake everyone up with the noise serenade is on the side and with the right spine, it is recommended to have adequate support for these needs.

Obstructive apnea syndrome occurs when the airways are partially or almost completely closed, according to this study carried out by the University of Los Andes. There are patients who present the so-called “position apnea”; in other words, they only snore when they sleep on their backs.

To avoid this, it is necessary to use a pillow that is not too high. In this way, the head will not be bent forward and the tubes will not be blocked. In the market we can find models specially designed for those who want to adopt a lateral position so as not to cause closures in the airways.

On the other hand, remember that a pillow has a useful life time. Usually this period is between two and three years; after that time, it is necessary to buy a new one. That life also depends on the number of times we wash it.

In the case of children, many parents wonder when they can start using a pillow. Since babies have a larger head in proportion to the body, they do not need to use it during the first months of life. After one year, it is allowed to place it on the bed; at the beginning, it must be made of hypoallergenic material and well padded.

In short, it would be good for each person to carry their pillow wherever they go. This includes vacations, a business trip, or when you sleep at your partner’s home. In the latter case, you can have a spare!

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