Homemade And Natural Tricks For Washing Clothes

How much do we usually spend weekly on household and cleaning products? It is very common that we buy many products to whiten clothes, to eliminate odors or to make it come out of the washing machine much softer and more careful. The reality is that, with simple home remedies we can achieve many things: vinegar, lemon or baking soda will be your best allies. Find out!

1. How to bleach clothes?

1. An oil stain?

If you have a piece of clothing stained with oil, you can use the simple trick of applying talcum powder where the stain is to absorb it. Let it work for a day and then put it in the washing machine.

2. Do you have gum stuck to your clothes?

There are two very peculiar tricks that you can try. The first is really curious: put the piece of clothing where the gum is in the freezer. That way, and when the gum is completely rigid, it is easier to remove. Do you dare to try it? The second technique is already better known, it is simply a matter of applying a little gasoline, in this way we can also remove it in a simple way.

3. Makeup stains?

Sometimes, inadvertently, we stain our shirts with lipstick or that makeup base that we wear on our faces. How to remove them without leaving stains? Very easy, applying equal parts vinegar water. Let it work for half an hour and then wash it normally.

4. Blood stains?

Blood stains are often the most difficult to remove. A simple technique is to use hydrogen peroxide. Put a splash on the affected area and let it rest for half an hour. Then, wear this item of clothing normally in the washing machine. Not a trace will remain.

Hopefully these simple tricks have helped you. Feel free to leave us your own advice!

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