Home Remedies To Combat Stomach Inflammation

To prevent abdominal inflammation it is very important to change eating habits. A good diet should include foods rich in fiber that help to have a better digestion.

Stomach inflammation is a fairly common problem, especially in women. It occurs as a result of a bad combination of foods, overeating, stress, digestive problems, menstruation or constipation.

This annoying problem makes us look more inflated and, in addition, it can be accompanied by other annoying symptoms such as gas and abdominal pain. Discover in this article the best remedies to combat it.

To prevent stomach inflammation it is very important to change eating habits. We must also eliminate from the diet those foods that can cause irritation.

However, for the most rebellious cases, we must not despair. There are some home remedies that can be very helpful to reduce this problem.

Remedies for stomach inflammation

1. Antioxidants

First of all, foods rich in antioxidants are key to fighting abdominal inflammation and showing off a flatter stomach. These types of foods provide many health benefits and it is very important to include them frequently in the diet.

It is recommended to consume between 2 and 4 servings a day of foods rich in antioxidants. Some of the most prominent are lingonberries, apples, onions, garlic, and celery, among others.

2. Fiber

Fiber for stomach inflammation

A good diet should include foods rich in fiber that help to have a better digestion. In addition, these will provide us with other benefits such as having a flatter stomach.

If you are suffering from stomach inflammation, increase your consumption of foods rich in fiber to combat it. Among these foods we can find: vegetables and fruits, whole grains, whole wheat flour and rice.

3. Lemon water

Lemon water for stomach inflammation

Lemon has alkaline properties that help us neutralize stomach acidity. In this way, with its regular consumption we can avoid many health problems.

In case of suffering from stomach inflammation it is recommended to  consume a glass of warm water with lemon every day. The most beneficial time to do this is fasting.

4. Cloves

Clove tincture is recommended, especially when stomach inflammation is chronic. In these cases, it is recommended to consume 20 drops in half a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach.

The tincture of this aromatic spice will help you fight gas or flatulence. These symptoms are usually common when suffering from stomach inflammation.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a very famous spice throughout the world. Since ancient times it has been consumed to treat and prevent annoying stomach inflammation, especially if it is the Ceylon variety.

An infusion of cinnamon is ideal to combat abdominal pain, improve digestion and reduce annoying inflammation in this area of ​​our body. We can take it as an infusion or add it to stews and desserts.

6. Other spices

Fennel for stomach inflammation

Spices like fennel, cumin, and oregano are recommended to fight stomach inflammation and gas. Fennel is a spice that is characterized by its antiseptic properties and its action to combat cases of diarrhea and stomach gas.

For its part, cumin is sedative and diuretic, recommended to combat fluid retention and inflammation. Lastly, oregano promotes digestion, is a diuretic, and is very good for the liver.

7. Infusions of medicinal plants

Herbal infusions or teas have become very popular for their digestive and diuretic properties. These drinks help purify the body and fight the annoying problems of abdominal inflammation.

Consuming two or three cups of infusion a day can treat and prevent stomach inflammation problems, as well as other related digestive problems. Among the recommended infusions we find  chamomile, turmeric, ginger, mint, spearmint, sage, oregano or basil.

8. Reduce salt intake

Salt worsens stomach inflammation

Finally, although this is not in itself a remedy, it is very important to take the advice into account. Reducing salt intake is key to fighting and preventing stomach inflammation.

On the other hand, adding excess salt or sodium to our dishes contributes to the annoying feeling of bloating, as it can cause fluid retention.

Juice to reduce stomach inflammation

Finally, this powerful juice is ideal for fighting annoying stomach inflammation. In it we will mix diuretic and cleansing foods that will help us avoid fluid retention while promoting digestion.


  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed (10 g)
  • One lemon’s juice
  • 1 glass of pure water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (20 g)

How to prepare it?

  • To start, put all the ingredients in the blender.
  • Beat for a few minutes.
  • Consume this juice on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast, for at least a week.

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