Have You Interpreted The Truth As An Insult?

So that the truth doesn’t hurt you, try to learn to recognize and accept your flaws. If you are aware that you are not perfect, it will not bother you to be reminded of it.

Have you ever interpreted an honest opinion or advice as an insult? In those moments, the ego has been present and has clouded your perception of things. This occurs because, deep down, it is not pleasant for you to acknowledge mistakes. The ego is damaged by sincerity.

What you interpreted as an insult, it may not be. Simply, you have gotten angry when what you should do is take action on the matter.

You are not right. They are telling you the truth.

Are you really responsible?

Angry friends

Do you consider yourself very responsible? Sure you do, but only what you are aware of. Of all those things that warn you and that you take personally, those, you completely ignore.

Yes, it is hard for you to take responsibility for your mistakes because, even if you don’t want to accept it, you have made them. You are not perfect.

In all relationships you value sincerity, or at least that’s what you say. You don’t like being lied to, but you don’t like being told the whole truth. And both at one extreme and the other, you feel hurt and angry towards the other person, even when you have asked them to give you their point of view.

Nobody was born perfect and every day,  based on mistakes, you learn to be a little better. However, you can know this and still act hypocrites. By offending ourselves and rejecting the truths.

An opinion is not an insult

That friend who tells you that she doesn’t like your outfit, when you have previously asked her opinion, has already made you bitter all day. And when your mother reflects on the way you behave, even for a moment, it makes you frown.

If your partner tells you that there are aspects that squeak a bit, phrases like: well,  if he doesn’t like me, let me start to appear; He has to accept me as I am . However, are you accepting what he says?

Accepting the truth can be difficult to put into practice.

  • There is nothing wrong with not liking others: the clothes, the way of being, does not have to please everyone. This fact does not imply that they do not love you or that they reject you.
  • You are not perfect. Your ego will always feel hurt the moment your flaws and mistakes are pointed out. However, we all know that we are imperfect and that we can learn from everything.
  • Do not be incoherent, you cannot pretend that others are honest with you if when they do, you get angry. Learn to listen and value the sincerity of others. Also encourage yourself to be honest with yourself.

For tastes, the colors

For tastes, the colors.  Don't take opinions as an insult.

If when asking your opinion your friend tells you:  what an ugly shirt!  don’t take it as an insult. As you well know, we all have different tastes. Nothing happens. He is only giving you his opinion and you don’t have to agree on everything, all the time.

Now think about how you see other people’s clothes. How many times have you not given your opinion about what you think of one garment or another? If you’ve been honest, your comments may not always have been positive. However, this does not mean that you have been bad. You have simply told the truth or, rather, you have given your opinion.

Not everyone likes the personality, clothes, and attitudes of others. And there will always be someone who you can’t like, even if you try. So, don’t be offended when this happens. Keep flowing and don’t waste your energy bothering yourself about everything. 

On the other hand, reflect: do you really want to be a chameleon so that you can please everyone? Trying this can lead to exhaustion and loss of yourself.

Don’t take the truth as an insult. Take it as an appreciation of someone who is seeing reality in a different way than you. Take advantage of the other’s point of view to broaden your vision of things. 

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