Getting Your Ex Back: Is It Possible?

Getting your ex back is an idea that comes up in most people who end a relationship. But it is not always such a sincere wish, since in some cases it is simply a matter of pride or need to calm the pain.

If they are convinced that they want to go back and remake the couple, the important thing is not to despair or overwhelm the ex with insistence.

Time must pass for the waters to calm down and they can appreciate what they have lost.

Mistakes you should not make if you want to get your ex back

1. Provoking ‘casual’ encounters all the time

It is very common, but fatal for the relationship, to have attitudes that cause some contact when the break is recent. Childish calls that pretend to be a mistake, are very obvious. Walk through the same places where the ex is in order to see him, as if by chance.

Find out with friends who share each step you take, if you go out, if you have new groups … all facts that in your eyes will be seen as a persecution.

2. Threats or dramatic information taken from soap operas

Some people during the breakup are convinced that they must get their ex back at any cost. They consider that nothing makes sense if they are not in a relationship and are capable of resorting to the worst ideas.

Then they threaten suicide or invent some kind of disease in order to get him back to his side, if only out of pity. In the event that they achieve the goal, it will not last long.

3. Use your children as a tool to get you back

It seems crazy, but many parents use their children to create a need for their partner to return home. They prevent them from seeing them, visiting their grandparents or manipulating them with phrases such as “your children suffer all the time because of your absence. “

To rebuild the relationship, you have to change those behaviors that really led to burnout. There is no chance of it being a successful lap if they do it out of obligation.

No one can be happy in such a dysfunctional family.

Children of divorced parents.

Tips that can help you get your ex back

1. Analyze calmly the reasons for the break

Taking advantage of loneliness to analyze the weaknesses and strengths of that relationship that was broken, helps to understand. But, it is impossible for this to happen when they are with anxiety on the surface. Calm is the base.

Identifying, with total sincerity, the reasons that caused the separation, is what allows us to know what are the things that must be changed.

If you want to get your ex back, each of you will have to give your best effort and put aside certain behaviors.

2. Give him his time to miss you

Everyone should have their space to think, evaluate their feelings, and plan their best method to overcome this situation. So, you don’t have to call him, comment on his social media profile, or invite him to any family events. It is about disappearing for a few days from your life completely.

That absence is necessary so that he can taste the nostalgia of certain moments lived, miss the positive side of the couple. And surely, rediscover your desires, fears and desires.

3. You need to change, but not become someone else

This aspect is truly relevant if you want to win your ex back for good. It is necessary to modify those behaviors that were discovered as malicious for the couple.

For example, excessive jealousy, emotional dependence, bad mood and others.

But change does not mean trying to become a person that has nothing to do with your essence. If you appear overnight as a fatal woman or a staunch defender of liberation, when she never was, no one will believe you.

Before and after.

4. Give yourself the value that you really have and that they strive for you

Beyond waiting for the exact moment when the ex rings that phone or shows up through that door, you have to put self-esteem above all else. Not surrendering to his arms the first time, is key. Ultimately, everyone is attracted to self-confident people.

That he also hopes and manages to give his partner the value that he really has. Otherwise, there is a risk that he will manage the timing of the relationship at will.

Attention: it is not about rejecting, but about postponing the meeting. If love exists and both of you are fighting for a healthy partner, you can surely win your ex back with these tips.


In short, you shouldn’t lose your dignity by going after your ex at all costs. You also shouldn’t harass your ex; you must respect their space.

Often time apart can be used to change what previously failed to work. Also, it may happen that your ex misses you. In that case, you can have a second chance, if the change is sincere and you want to do everything possible to improve.

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