Forbidden Foods For Stomach Ulcers

A balanced diet and healthy habits are necessary to be able to treat stomach ulcers. In this article you will learn what foods you should avoid.

Stomach ulcers are a problem that affects a large number of the adult population. It originates from a bacterium called Helicobacter Pylori. When we have one, we must take care of ourselves. It is important to know that there are forbidden foods for stomach ulcers.

A balanced diet and healthy habits are necessary to be able to reverse or treat the situation. In the following article, you will learn what foods to avoid if you have stomach ulcers.

Tips to avoid stomach ulcers

There are many reasons why the H. Pylori bacteria can wreak havoc on our stomach. Some of them are heredity, age, alcohol, tobacco, stress, and diabetes.

In addition to taking care of yourself with food, it is necessary to carry out a series of healthier habits that will avoid more serious or painful symptoms. It is possible to enjoy a normal life even with gastritis.

The most important thing is to prevent this disease from developing and turning into ulcers. However, this requires care, especially when the stomach lining is irritated and painful.

It is proven that the food you eat can prevent or alleviate the symptoms of these diseases. Therefore, at all times try to follow these tips:

Maintain a consistent diet

Eating a healthy diet is necessary to avoid stomach ulcers

This means that you choose food with a soft texture, with gentle cooking and not at high temperature (better warm). For example, boiled vegetables, creams, soups, purees. Avoid cooking with oil or grilling and eating dry foods such as pasta, rice and flour in general.

Eat every 4 hours

If you go a long time without consuming food, you will feel more intense pain. You don’t need to eat too much. Just choose a healthy snack or snack.

It is also recommended to eat something before sleeping (half a banana, applesauce, etc.) to avoid getting up with heartburn and discomfort. You should eat 6 meals a day : breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, snack, dinner and after dinner.

Choosing stomach-protective foods

These foods prevent gastric reflux. In this group are those that provide starch such as potatoes, those rich in vitamin E and olive oil.

Drinking water

Throughout the day you have to carry a bottle of water with you and consume it. They can also be natural pear or apple juices (not citrus fruits), warm milk with honey or isotonic drinks. Do not drink sodas or industrial juices.

Avoid triggers

If the ulcer is caused by stress, excessive alcohol or smoking, you need to change these habits. Do activities that calm you down, reduce the number of times you drink alcohol per week, and quit smoking.

What are the forbidden foods for stomach ulcers?

If, unfortunately, you have stomach ulcers, you must take care of your diet even more. Although there is no specific diet for stomach ulcers, it is necessary not to consume certain foods in order not to aggravate the condition or to avoid symptoms (burning, nausea, indigestion or vomiting). When having ulcers it is necessary to avoid these foods:

Coffee and soda

Anything that contains caffeine is off-limits to people with stomach ulcers. Also black tea. These drinks stimulate acid production and cause indigestion.


Drinking alcoholic beverages increases gastroesophageal reflux and therefore aggravates the situation if you have stomach ulcers. It is necessary to avoid it.

In addition, alcohol irritates and erodes the walls that line the stomach and small intestine and also promotes bleeding and bloating. If you want to consume it, you can drink one, but don’t overdo it.


Spicy foods are forbidden for stomach ulcers

Spicy and highly seasoned foods are not recommended for people with stomach ulcers. All of these increase stomach acid, trigger reflux, and worsen symptoms. They are between them:

  • Chilies.
  • Peppers.
  • Curry.
  • Cumin.
  • Ginger.


As we mentioned before, the important thing is not to lower the acidic pH of the stomach. This compound is present in many foods which it is necessary to avoid. You must stop consuming:

  • Orange.
  • Lemon.
  • Lime.
  • Pineapple.
  • Pink grapefruit.
  • Citrus fruit juice.
  • Jams and jellies.

Very hot meals

As much as you are starving, wait a few minutes to eat. Your stomach will thank you (and your mouth too). Very hot food or drink worsens the burning sensation and irritates the mucous membranes. Nor should you consume everything cold, but at room temperature or warm.


Fried foods should not be eaten when there are stomach ulcers

Fried foods are bad for our body, whether or not we have ulcers, because they overwork the stomach. Specifically in this case they are not of great help, since they increase acid secretions. Avoid eating:

  • Chips.
  • Croquettes.
  • Snacks.
  • Fast food.

Grilled food

Neither roasts or the grill. Basically because of the dry and toasted texture of these foods. They irritate the digestive tract and increase ulcer symptoms.

It is better that you cook food steamed, baked or boiled and that the cooking is extensive (especially for meats or legumes). In this way you will be facilitating stomach tasks.


Meat products and cold cuts are not good if you suffer from ulcers, as digestion is very heavy and requires too much work on the part of the stomach.

They are also not recommended because they provide a lot of salt, fat and spices. All enemies of injuries to the stomach walls. As if that weren’t enough, they are also digested slowly.

Dairy products

Dairy is not recommended if you have stomach ulcers

We must avoid them, especially when they are not skimmed. Try not to eat too many cheeses, milk, cream or butter. The case of yogurt is different:  for some people it relieves burning symptoms. You can do the test. Of course, always low in fat and, if possible, natural or of the Greek type.

What can I eat if I have stomach ulcers?

Applesauce is good for stomach ulcers

If you suffer from stomach ulcers, you should know that your diet will not be reduced to a handful of foods. Pay attention to those that are allowed and that will help you not feel pain:

  • Potatoes.
  • Olive oil.
  • Skimmed dairy.
  • Boiled egg.
  • Cooked and crushed legumes.
  • Fish.
  • Raw or boiled vegetables (except for cabbages and leafy greens).
  • You can also eat cooked or compote fruits, but not citrus.

You know, if you suffer from gastritis or have suffered from Helicobacter Pylori, it is necessary that you take care of your diet and your habits, since you run the risk of suffering stomach ulcers. Prevention is the best medicine in these cases. Remember to visit your doctor if you feel a lot of pain or discomfort.

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