Five Medicinal Plants That Help You Lose Weight

Some medicinal plants such as green tea, red tea, ginger, dandelion or horsetail have very beneficial effects on our health. One of them is to help us lose weight if we combine it with a healthy diet and daily exercise.

In this article we explain the benefits of these plants as well as the best way to take them to help you lose weight more quickly. You will achieve it without sacrifices and gradually, to avoid the subsequent rebound effect or other health problems.

Medicinal plants for weight loss

Green Tea

The famous and healthy green tea is known for its slimming properties for a number of reasons.

  • The main one is that it speeds up the metabolism due to its stimulating properties. This facilitates increased energy expenditure and calorie loss.
  • On the other hand, it helps to burn fat and eliminate fluids, so its effects are very complete.

We recommend not abusing green tea in cases of constipation, as it is astringent. Neither in cases of anemia, because it prevents part of the assimilation of iron in meals.

Green tea for weight loss

Red tea

Red tea actually comes from the same plant as green tea. But unlike this one, red has undergone a long fermentation process.

For this reason, red tea is even more slimming than green tea, although it is also more stimulating. It may not be the best option for people suffering from nervousness or insomnia. We recommend opting for one of the two depending on our case.

Horse tail

For people who owe their overweight in part to excess fluid retention, we recommend the consumption of horsetail. This is very diuretic.

This plant can increase the amount of urine up to 30%. It is also very healthy because it helps us eliminate toxins.

This plant is found during the summer in humid places, next to rivers, lakes or swamps, especially in clay soils. The most used part is the stem, not the leaves, which are left to dry in hanging bunches.

Lose weight with ponytail


The dandelion is one of the most cleansing medicinal plants that exist. This is essential because for an organism to have a balanced weight it must also rid itself of toxins.

Dandelion is also a diuretic. It also helps us digest fats well and regulates blood glucose levels. 


Ginger is an excellent superfood for health. Its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times.

In this case, it helps us lose weight by accelerating the metabolism. It also improves the digestive process, is a powerful fat burner and regulates glucose levels.

Ginger for weight loss

How do we take them?

To benefit from these medicinal plants we must take them daily in the form of an infusion, at the rate of three glasses a day. We can also take the extract, which we will buy in herbalists and we will take together with several glasses of water a day.

  • We will begin to drink the liquid on an empty stomach, at least two glasses, and the rest we will take at mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
  • We will avoid taking it before going to bed so that we do not have to urinate during the night. Also so as not to interrupt sleep due to the stimulating content of the teas.

We can always add a little lemon juice to drinks, to enhance its benefits. If we want to sweeten them, we will do it only with stevia to avoid adding calories.

Some dietitians recommend drinking cold beverages to increase calorie expenditure. However, that cold can harm the liver, so we do not recommend it in any case. We will opt for hot, warm or cool drinks.


It is important to note that no medicinal plant works in a miraculous way. These plants are remedies that actually complement a healthy diet and a daily exercise routine.

The effects are not immediate, but nevertheless they will be gradual and natural for our organism. Therefore, they will also help us avoid harmful effects on our health or the dreaded rebound effect.

Images courtesy of bkajino, uteart and nerdling

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