Fibromyalgia, How To Live With It?

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by generalized musculoskeletal pain. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies pain sensations by affecting the way the brain processes pain signals.

Many people with fibromyalgia also have tension headaches, temporomandibular joint disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and depression.

Although some have a better quality of life with the medications they take, others cannot bear the severe pain associated with their symptoms.

In this article we talk about this disease and what it is like to live with it, both for those who suffer from it and for the people around them.


Fibromyalgia is a disorder in which people who suffer from it suffer from joint and muscle pain. In addition, it is also associated with suffering from many headaches, tiredness (chronic fatigue) and difficulty falling asleep.

Symptoms sometimes begin after physical trauma, surgery, infection, or significant psychological stress. In other cases, symptoms build up gradually over time, without a trigger event.

Fibromyalgia is associated with being tired (chronic fatigue)

Fibromyalgia Treatment

This disease requires drug treatment. Some common ones are antidepressants, painkillers or anticonvulsants. However, a good diet, gentle exercise and rest are also recommended.

Therefore, people who suffer from fibromyalgia must do their best to take care of themselves. Likewise, the people who live with them must understand the needs of the affected person.

Fibromyalgia should be treated with medications, good nutrition, and gentle exercise


Fibromyalgia is a disease that is not seen, but is felt by the people who suffer from it. There are those who even have problems with clothes. Many women cannot sleep with blankets or sheets.

This is because the sensation that they are heavy and the pain they cause in the legs, arms or back is strong enough to avoid using them. Another cause of pain can be the bra.

The fact of always feeling pain is something that can affect many areas of the lives of these people. Therefore, this disease can also lead to psychiatric disorders, worsening their quality of life.

Sometimes, they cannot touch the people they love, because their contact hurts them. In the same way, they are usually always tired because the disease is often associated with chronic fatigue.

In general, these people could be vulnerable in psychological terms, which can lead to disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Joint pain like elbow


The medication that is offered to the affected people, based on antidepressants and analgesics for pain, among others, makes that some of them can regain a little stability and lead a more or less normal life.

However, it is common for fibromyalgia to present with sleep and mood disorders. Therefore, the people who live with her must learn what can help them. In this sense, there are more and more support groups for relatives of people affected with fibromyalgia.

It is important that, if we are direct relatives of someone in this situation, we understand that support is crucial for the affected person, and understand that fibromyalgia can create an important impact on the family nucleus.

So speaking calmly and understanding are required steps for anyone seeking to make a fibromyalgia sufferer feel better. It is always necessary to turn to experts to advise us on how to treat a person suffering from this disease.

Pain in the muscles

In conclusion

In short, we can say that this is a disease with which it is necessary to learn to live. We must, first of all, accept that it is chronic and will inevitably condition some aspects of our life.

Likewise, it is vital to adhere to the strategies that help to cope with fibromyalgia, in order to achieve a better quality of life. This includes having the support of family and friends. Your understanding is a key part of this entire process.

If you have any questions about this disease, you think you may suffer from it or you are a relative of an affected person and you are looking for help, it is best to consult a specialist.

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