Endomorphic Body: Keys To Your Training And Diet

If we classify people according to the shape of their physique, one of the types that we find is the endomorphic body. It has characteristics that differentiate it from others, such as the ectoform or mesoform body.

Next we will tell you some keys to the workouts and diets that you can follow to stay in shape if this is your case.

What is an endomorphic body like?

People with an endomorphic body are known for their tendency to gain weight and fat. In addition, they often have difficulty building muscle mass. Some of its typical characteristics are the following:

  • Bodies with shorter legs and arms.
  • Little muscle and areas with an accumulation of fat.
  • Broad bones; that is, large bones and somewhat heavier.
  • Wide waist and hips, especially in women.
  • Rounded head and face.

What happens is that these bodies tend to save. This, in an evolutionary way, has always been an advantage. In times of food scarcity, slow metabolism and the ability to store and build fat deposits gave people with this type of body a better chance of survival.

However, today, in societies in which processed foods rich in carbohydrates abound, having this type of body no longer has so many advantages. Endomorphic people tend to accumulate  all excess food in the form of fat deposits.

Still, they also have some positive qualities. Endomorphic bodies have some difficulty gaining muscle mass. However, once they are able to build muscle, it is not difficult to maintain it. This is so because, given the tendency to accumulate fat, they do not need to draw on muscle reserves.

Relationship between overweight and hypertension

Endomorph body training

A sedentary life is not recommended or healthy for any of the body types. However, in the case of endomorphs, this is even more pronounced. Due to its slow metabolism and ease of storing fat, diet and exercise will be of utmost importance in these cases.

If a healthy lifestyle is not carried out, it is easy for people with this type of body to end up suffering from diseases such as obesity. In addition to obesity, all the health problems derived from a sedentary lifestyle will appear, such as cardiovascular problems or diabetes.

The important thing for endomorphic bodies is to activate metabolism and try to prevent it from returning to its natural slow rhythm. This is going to be achieved, first, by exercising and building muscle mass.

Muscle consumes much more energy than fat stores. For this reason, the more muscle mass a body has, the more energy its basal metabolism will expend and the less likely there is to be fat stores.

For this, functional exercises are recommended in which strength and cardiovascular work are combined. Thus, the cardiopulmonary system is worked and calories are burned while muscle mass is generated to keep the metabolism somewhat faster.

Some of these workouts can be, for example, high intensity interval training (HIIT) routines or Tabata sessions. It is also advisable to combine these sessions with weight-bearing muscle workouts to enhance strength a little more.

What is the recommended diet?

Forks with food

As we have discussed, the endomorphic body was designed to survive in times of scarcity. The greater the calorie shortage, the more it activates your reserve mechanism. This means that you will slow down your metabolism as much as possible and store as much as possible in the form of fat.

Therefore, very restrictive diets in calories will only cause anything we eat to end up being stored. Protein and fat are more filling than carbohydrates. The recommended thing for this type of body is to eat a diet low in carbohydrates and based on proteins and healthy fats.

In addition, they do not benefit from many daily meals or prolonged fasts. Ideally, eat 2 or 3 meals a day with little sugar and rich in protein. Of course, the diet must be varied and balanced in terms of food and proportions.

It is possible to keep the endomorphic body at bay

Although the trend is fat accumulation and low muscle mass, this is no excuse for endomorphic bodies to give up and move away from a healthy lifestyle. If you maintain a balanced diet, low in carbohydrates and higher in protein, you will be able to keep unwanted fat accumulations at bay.

Of course, eating a balanced diet is not enough. Exercise is always recommended and necessary. In this case, strength exercises will be prioritized in which muscle gain is enhanced and will be combined with aerobic exercises that burn stored calories.

By following these recommendations, it is possible to prevent having an endomorphic body from becoming a health problem. Do not give up!

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