Don’t Give Up Too Soon, Don’t Hang On Too Long

Life is a race in which speed should not prevail, but endurance, so don’t give up too soon.

However, just as perseverance can be rewarded, there is also its other side, much darker and that will transport you to failure: clinging too long.

It is necessary to learn and know how to determine when to pick up the pace, when to slow it down and when to take a new path.

Success does not lie in the extremes to which you are driven by your emotions, but in finding that essential balance.

Don’t give up, the best is yet to come

do not give up

Getting what you want will not be an easy task. Along the way you will come face to face with stones full of errors, doubts, shame and lack of self-esteem that you will have to overcome.

However, sometimes you will find yourself submitting to all of them and turning back. You will think that your knowledge is insufficient, that you are not made to carry that project to fruition … You will throw in the towel.

How many times have you doubted the veracity that these stones seem to have? You take for granted all that they yell at you: “Leave it!”, “You are not worth that!”

All of these bellows are fears that your mind transforms into self-sabotaging thoughts. No one is free from fear. We all harbor insecurities, we doubt in the face of the unknown, we underestimate our capabilities …

However, it is time to oppose them, because you can with perseverance, you must and you will get to what you set out to do.

No matter how bad you feel about those ideas that overwhelm you. Contrary to them! Don’t give up now that you’ve done the hardest thing, start walking towards what you want to achieve.

do not give up

The first step is the most complicated, but once it is done, do not let yourself be defeated. Giving up too soon is not something that should be within your means.

Try it, despite everything. Check with facts and taking action if what all those thoughts tell you is true or not.

Learn to let go

Just because you don’t give up too soon doesn’t mean that you should hold on to something wrong for much longer.

Insisting, hitting your head against a wall, it won’t do you any good if there is no way out, no matter how hard you beat yourself. Your stubbornness will never be positive.

Therefore, it is essential to open your eyes and know when to persevere and when to let go. Perhaps it is time to look for other trails to travel.

But… How do I know when to stop persevering and letting go?

You do not achieve the expected results

You are doing your best. You have learned from your mistakes, you keep going forward fighting through thick and thin. But still, nothing is expected.

In the end this will cause you great wear and tear, because you are not realizing that you are not going to get anywhere. At least not this way.

Take some time to reflect on your goal. Maybe there are other exits, options you haven’t seen until now Seeing things in perspective will help clear your mind.

You suffer physical or emotional exhaustion

As we have mentioned, continuing to insist on something that will not pay off will wear you out.

When your goals are making you a huge sacrifice that is costing you your health and well-being, it is time to rethink them.

There are goals that do not deserve great sacrifices, as they bring with them problems in interpersonal relationships, lack of balance and physical or emotional wear.

Circumstances have changed

When you find yourself so focused on achieving what you want, you forget a little about what is happening around you and how things have changed.

Do you have the same disposition as before? What people have stopped supporting you? Are you still just as motivated?

These questions are necessary at certain times when you lose perspective. Reflect and, if necessary, redesign your goals. They are also susceptible to change.

do not give up

Don’t give up too soon. Pursue your goals to the impossible, as long as they are realistic.

In turn, you must be prepared to stop clinging to them when they have no outlet and begin to affect your well-being.

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