Don’t Be Afraid To Be Alone: ​​9 Tips For Accepting Moments Of Loneliness

Loneliness is the deeper reality of the human condition. Man is the only being that knows that he is alone, “said the illustrious Mexican writer Octavio Paz about what s moments of loneliness. From his words, it can be interpreted that, although we are born, grow, develop and die alone, it is possible to live with loneliness in a positive way.

The moments of solitude are necessary to take distance from the events and from the rest of the people with whom we interact. Also to see within ourselves, reflect, improve and get ahead. In short, loneliness it is essential to achieve a better self-knowledge.

Being in harmony is a true source of happiness. However, the vast majority of people have felt, at some point in their lives, fear of being alone.

Undoubtedly, this fear also has a reason to be, since we humans are, above all,  social beings . Hence l interpersonal relationships are vital to the mental health of any individual.

But what makes lonely moments scary for some people and enjoyable for others? The answer is both personal and cultural in nature. However, it is always possible to re-educate ourselves to take advantage of loneliness and feel good.

9 tips for accepting moments of loneliness

We want to share with you some tips that may help you transform the moments when you are alone into an enriching experience.

1. Acknowledge your fears

Many times, we resist thinking that moments of loneliness affect us.  The usual thing is to implement mechanisms to ward off the negative feeling that this anguish generates in us.

Each person is different. Hence, there are no recipes for recognizing fears. On the contrary, it is only up to the individual to identify what is the origin of their anguish.

There is no doubt that doing so would put us in better conditions not only to fulfill our  goals but to make us feel better about ourselves. In that same measure, we will be people  more fulfilling and we will potentially make others happy.

2. Listen to your body

Without a doubt, the body registers (and even transmits) the emotions that we experience on a daily basis. So try to close your eyes and breathe deeply c hen you are alone. Try to listen to your body to identify the origin of your fears.

3. Sanitize your thoughts

It is a lot, a lot  information we receive every day. The media, our friends and family are some of the channels that overwhelm us with news that most of the time we do not even process. 

It is a fact that, more or less consciously, all that information conditions our thoughts and way of seeing the world. And, of course, ourselves. So,  it is so necessary  that we take time to ourselves to deal with our thoughts .

It is what some call “listening to the voice within r ”. Well, along with personal cultivation, this is the most effective way to discard what could affect us.

4. Reinvent yourself

Woman doing yoga to get its emotional benefits.

Lonely moments don’t necessarily have to be synonymous with boredom, homesickness, or overwhelm. An ideal example to illustrate this statement is incorporating a new sport into your daily routine. You could also read about topics that particularly pique your interest. Or, listen to a different genre of music than what you usually hear.

Learning a new language could be another one of those personal goals. Although many times it involves the relationship with other people such as the teacher or classmates, today there are many resources to do it in a self-taught way.

Discover: The benefits of sport in anxiety and panic

5. Organize your priorities

Put in writing those things you want to do during the month.  Reading them will help you organize yourself in order to take the necessary steps to achieve them. Having clear ideas about your goals and how to achieve them could be a great way to mitigate negative thoughts that overwhelm you.

In this way, you will be able to distinguish between those needs or desires that are a priority  for you. Of course, among them, you could include those of your children or loved ones.  But remember that the most important person in your life is yourself.

6. Seek the help of a professional

Taking care of mental health is vital to feel in harmony with the world , whatever our situation. For this, it is important to know the causes of feelings such as fear.

But, it is not always in our hands to achieve it. Realizing this is also crucial in seeking the help of a professional. Keep in mind that there are professionals trained for this.

For sure, they will guide you about the therapy that best suits you. They could also put at your disposal, even, information about other alternatives that help you put your anguish aside.

7. Take some time alone to grow

Socializing is human. Hence, making friends and living with other people is imperative for us as well. Now, when that need turns into dependence on others, due to excessive attachment, we have a problem.

Hence, spending time alone is not only desirable, but a healthy habit. Taking time for ourselves  provides us with the emotional balance that any individual needs to feel whole.  

Only then will you be able to reflect enough to identify the root of that affective dependence that prevents you from living with autonomy. This way, you will give the right importance to what others think. To the same extent, you will stop needing his  approval when making your own decisions.

Woman practicing mindfulness to overcome television addiction.

8. Ask yourself questions

Disconnecting from the outside can be highly beneficial to connect with ourselves. In other words, attend to your feelings, thoughts and emotions, it can help you to notice and cultivate your strengths.

It is healthy to ask yourself, in those moments, if you feel happy with yourself. Also, what aspects of your life would you like to change. Set yourself new goals that make you feel like a full, vital person.

9. Enjoy your passions in lonely moments

When you have some time alone, allow yourself to enjoy your passions, this will have an extremely positive impact on your self-confidence. Do you write, read, paint, sculpt, run, swim, or dance? Take advantage of that moment when nobody sees you to let out the joy of that passion that is part of you! You will release tensions, endorphins and you will feel much better.

You can also choose to discover new passions and skills. Does painting in watercolor attract your attention but you have never tried it? That moment of loneliness that you have is perhaps the perfect opportunity to try it. What if I don’t do it right? Give yourself some time and, if you are not happy, move on to another activity that gives you happiness.

Loneliness can strengthen self-love

The lonely moments in which we allow ourselves to accept, love and reconcile with ourselves are the ones that can lead us more easily to win the conquest of self-love. They also help us learn about ourselves, beyond what we do not like, thus helping us to get rid of everything that does not add to us.

Now, are you ready to start seeing those lonely moments with better eyes?

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