Do Your Eyes Itch And Burn? How To Treat It?

What can you do when your eyes sting and burn? The first step is to determine the cause. Burning and itching may be due to some type of infection, such as conjunctivis, dry eyes, or allergic rhinitis. But did you know that there are other issues like makeup or light bulbs that can make irritation worse?

Below, we explain different causes and share several natural remedies and tips that could help you get relief when your eyes itch and burn. Although you should not forget that, in the first instance, it is best to always go to a health professional to provide an appropriate diagnosis and treatment for each specific case.

Why do your eyes itch and burn?

About the eye and visual health

The relationship between the eyes and the liver

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the eyes are a reflection of the liver and, therefore, if we suffer from an eye problem regularly, we could be suffering from some liver discomfort. For relief, some bitter medicinal plants are recommended, such as:

  • Milk thistle, due to its silybin content, which has antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties.
  • Artichoke leaves, whose extract appears to have properties similar to those of silybin.
  • Boldo, due to its boldine content, a substance that has hepatoprotective properties.
  • Dandelion, whose extracts can help fight free radicals and protect the liver.

If the family doctor authorizes it, we can take one or two cups of infusion throughout the day while, in parallel, we apply the prescribed medication directly to the eyes.

Food for dry eye

If we suffer from dry eyes, in addition to consulting with a health professional about the use of a natural eye drop, such as eyebright, you could include in your diet foods rich in healthy fats, which have antioxidant properties and provide various nutrients for the health of the whole organism, including the eyes. Some of the most important are the following:

  • Avocado.
  • Nuts.
  • Vegetable oils of flax, sesame, olive.

Allergic rhinitis

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If your eyes itch and burn, tend to become red or even inflamed especially in spring and fall, then you may have allergic rhinitis. This discomfort can be accompanied by mucus, cough and congestion, among other symptoms.

In that case, in addition to going, first, to the consultation of a health professional, if the professional authorizes it, you could take a homeopathic remedy, such as  Apis mellifica, at the rate of three granules under the tongue, three times a day, separated from foods, drinks and strong and menthol flavors.

Eye infection, one of the possible causes if your eyes burn

On the contrary, if your eyes itch and burn due to an eye infection, such as conjunctivitis, it will be essential to go to the doctor’s office to provide you with an appropriate treatment for your needs. On the other hand, as a supplement, you could take some natural supplements based on:

  • Pollen.
  • Echinacea.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Propolis

An option to alleviate the symptoms of conjunctivitis, as well as allergy, and red or irritated eyes and any itchiness in the area, after prior consultation with a health professional, could be the use of Neem tree ( Azadirachta indica ) .

To do this, we will dilute a drop of neem essential oil in 50 milliliters of purified water and mix well. We will submerge two cotton compresses in the dilution and we will put them on the closed eyes. We will leave them 10-15 minutes. We can do it daily until we notice improvement, as long as the trusted doctor has given us the go-ahead.

Be careful with eye makeup

People who suffer from itchy and irritated eyes should not wear conventional eye makeup. It should always be a hypoallergenic makeup and made with natural substances.

An alternative to paint our eyes well showy and also benefit from healthy properties is to use kajal or kohl. This natural black paint is widely used in India and Arab countries, so much so that it was formerly an eye treatment for women, men and children. Today it is becoming fashionable as a cosmetic.

Kajal is a paste made of oils and other natural ingredients, with a carbon base, with bactericidal properties that provides hydration and freshness, as well as acting as an eye filter to prevent sensitivity to light.

If we notice a slight itch when using it, it is because it is acting by eliminating germs, but we must be careful that it is not important, since we could be allergic, so it is advisable to consult a doctor before using it. However, to remove make-up from our eyes we can use a little vegetable oil of sesame, almond, olive, etc.

Be careful with the bulbs you use if your eyes burn

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If you usually spend many hours in the same place, for example, at work or at home, and throughout that time we feel that our eyes are getting irritated, we recommend checking the light bulbs.

The ones we usually have, whatever type they are (fluorescent, low consumption, etc.), generate electromagnetic fields and ultraviolet emissions. In addition, light bulbs often produce an imperceptible flicker that can cause eye irritation, migraines and other neurological reactions.

It seems that the old incandescent bulbs created a much more natural continuous light. And what healthy alternatives do we have?

  • Sunlight.
  • LED bulbs.
  • Broad spectrum bulbs.

The latter are not easy to find. However, they are an investment in health, since their light creates the entire spectrum of sunlight and is much healthier than conventional ones.

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