Do You Know What The Opposite Of Minimalism Is?

One of the best known trends today is minimalism. It is a style that opts for  simple lines and neutral colors. Use only the essential elements to decorate a specific space.

In short, avoid excesses of all kinds, since it seeks to approach the purity of things. Because of this, the opposite of minimalism can be easily deduced.

Kitsch, from a decorative point of view, gives free rein to freedom. Which is why there is a clear predominance of shapes, figures, textures, colors and, in general, exaggeration. In fact, he is not afraid to rescue elements of Baroque art and incorporate them, in a disorderly way, to a style that brings together features from different periods of the 20th century.

Kitsch, the other side of the coin

Kitsch style is the opposite of minimalism.

Unlike minimalism, kitsch seeks to decorate with the following maxim: ‘The more recharge the better’. It seeks to reach its freest expression through accumulation and little or no planning.

Likewise, it is sought with this trend that the spaces are as interesting as possible. Next, we present the main features of this trend so opposed to minimalism.


  • Combination of several patterns at the same time (usually more than two). For example: a striped design with a floral one, in conjunction with a speckled design.
  • Predominance of primary colors in their brightest tone.  Also use others such as: bubblegum pink, apple green, turquoise blue and purple.
  • All kinds of accessories are placed, without any use, in all places. Anything goes! The idea is not to leave any empty space to give the feeling of abundance. Likewise, it should be noted that simplicity must always be enriched.
  • Toys are considered accessories. So it’s time to bring out your inner child and decorate the shelves with your toys. In this sense, decorating is as fun as any game. 
  • The patchwork is completely welcome items such as sofas, stalls, cushions, curtains and tablecloths.
  • Religious objects are incorporated to further mark the extravagance. 
  • Both self-made pieces and retro or ‘vintage’ pieces are welcome.
  • Collections of all kinds greatly favor shelves and display furniture, so it is always a good idea to take advantage of them.

From minimalism to kitsch: keys to getting it right

If we have had a sober and simple decoration and we want to make the transition from minimalism to kitsch style, it is important to bear in mind only one thing: it is not necessary to discard anything, but to adapt it. We can incorporate risky color pieces and look for varied designs and textures.

A very easy way to achieve style the first time, is to put wallpaper on the walls with an extravagant pattern that adds color and presence to the environment. Be careful, it is not necessary to place it in an orderly manner.

For example: on a wall it can be placed from top to bottom, without any interruption. While on the side walls of the room it can be placed only halfway up and from there upwards, it is painted in some color.

It should be noted that metallic elements are not usually a part of this type of decoration. So to give them more personality, turn to brightly colored spray paint and get to work!

Remember that in the kitsch style you have to be original and daring  to make each space have a lot of personality.

Can the walls be left blank?

Yes, of course. This option will make the accessories that we place around the room stand out much more. Of course, you have to make sure that these accessories are really curious.

The cinema sometimes gives us visual references of this style in a very successful way, for example, in the film Me before you (Before you) the protagonist has her room decorated in the most kitsch.

The floor is decorated too! And a lot. So we can dare to incorporate various rugs, made of different synthetic materials, and patterns. For example, a room might have a large Persian rug, a shaggy rug (microfiber), and a smaller animal-print rug.

In short, to get a kitsch decoration, you have to take a risk. Of course, at first it always costs a bit, but the result will be worth it.

The best thing is that, when going from minimalism to a more carefree and fun facet, it will not be necessary to have a specific scheme or plan of action. On the contrary, the more spontaneous the better!

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