Discover The 5 Fruits With The Most Antioxidant Properties

Do you feel that you suffer from premature aging? Free radicals cause cell damage, which produces considerable health problems, providing a less youthful appearance. To prevent this situation, it is essential that you know the 5 fruits with the most antioxidant properties.

These types of nutrients fight against oxidative stress and the formation of free radicals, having a positive impact on health in the medium and long term. By increasing the intake of the fruits that we propose below, you will be able to help reduce the incidence of diseases, as long as they are included in the framework of a healthy and balanced diet.

Discover the benefits of guava, acai, grape, pomegranate and blueberry.

1. Guava

The best antioxidant fruits include guava.

Some studies, such as the one published in the journal  Molecules,  have shown that guava is one of the most antioxidant fruits that exist, since it manages to triple the nutrients contained in other fruits, such as the red apple or the banana.

For every 100 grams of guava, we find up to 500 milligrams of antioxidants.

This fruit of tropical origin is grown in countries of America, Asia and Oceania. In addition, it stands out for its virtues to help improve intestinal transit, reduce cholesterol , glucose and triglyceride levels in the blood.

2. Acai

Acai is the fruit of a wild palm from South America. It stands out for its high content of anthocyanins, as well as high levels of vitamins A, B and C. It also contains significant amounts of essential fatty acids omega 3, 6 and 9.

The consumption of these anthocyanins, present in other red fruits, is associated with a lower risk of developing complex diseases in the medium and long term. This is indicated by research published in the journal Nutrients These nutrients can be used as a strategy to combat obesity and chronic diseases.

Its antioxidant power is very suitable for those people who suffer extra wear, such as athletes, smokers or people who suffer from premature aging.

We also highlight its calcium content, very similar to that of milk, so it is a healthy alternative for those who do not drink this drink or need a greater amount of it.

It helps to strengthen the immune system, improves the appearance of the skin and regulates digestive disorders, providing a lot of energy and vitality.

3. Grape

It is best taken without removing the skin or seeds, which is where most of its nutrients are concentrated, including resveratrol.

This antioxidant, in addition to fighting aging, helps prevent cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, according to a study published in the journal  Nutrients.

The purple grape also contains flavones, a group of antioxidant substances that help us to take care of the blood vessels and raise our defenses in a natural way.

4. Granada

Pomegranate is an excellent antioxidant fruit.

This fruit is native to a region that spans from Persia to the northern Himalayas, and has been cultivated in Mediterranean countries since ancient times.

High in water and low in calories, the pomegranate stands out for its amount of vitamins and minerals.

Its antioxidant content helps delay aging, improve circulation, boost libido and maintain healthy skin. It helps to eliminate excess fluids and to improve the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

We will opt for those with more volume and weight, intense reds and with brown nuances, avoiding wrinkled and whitish ones.

5. Blueberry

All red fruits have important antioxidant effects. We highlight the blueberry, rich in ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant that has hemostatic properties (so it helps prevent bleeding). It is also excellent for urinary tract disorders.

Its antioxidant power also helps combat the negative effects of free radicals in the eyes. For this reason, it could be useful to prevent damage to the retina, night blindness, cataracts or glaucoma.

Cranberry also contains a good amount of fiber, which helps reduce the symptoms of constipation.

How to take the most antioxidant fruits?

To benefit from their antioxidant virtues, we must make sure that we consume them in season and that they have not been processed at high temperatures.

The healthiest way to consume them is always raw, preparing the juices or smoothies ourselves. Using the pulp of these products to make smoothies can be a healthy and appropriate option, especially when this habit allows you to replace some snacks .

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