Discover Here The Incredible Benefits Of Banana Leaves

We all know that the banana is a fruit with excellent properties that act in our body to improve our health. But did you know that banana leaves are also a source of nutritional substances that provide incredible benefits for our body?

The banana has various properties, as it is a source of potassium. Believe it or not, banana leaves contain calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, carotene, citric acid and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C.

Banana leaves have antioxidant compounds, such as allantoin and lignin. Next, we present some of the benefits of banana leaves for our body, as well as how to consume them and obtain the best results.

The benefits of banana leaves

Natural insulin

Banana leaf

Banana leaf is a natural remedy for lowering blood glucose, which is excellent news for chronic diabetes patients.

Always under medical supervision, if you want to regulate your body’s tolerance to glucose, try a banana leaf tea and combine it with carrot, lettuce or apple.

Prevent aging and degenerative diseases

Because they are rich in antioxidants, banana leaves fight free radicals that cause early aging and micro-inflammations that cause degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s or arteriosclerosis.

Consume them daily in the form of tea to prevent these diseases and consult your doctor if you already have any ailment.

To improve the immune system

Banana leaves contain a compound called allantoin, which boosts the immune system. In addition to preventing diseases, it helps as an astringent to lower fever and heal sore throats.

  • For these cases, it is advisable to take the infusion of banana leaves one to three times a day.
  • If you want to strengthen your defenses, a cup of tea will be enough to obtain good results.

Poultice to heal wounds

The fresh leaves are excellent for healing wounds, burns, and healing bruises.

For these cases, crush them with a mortar and apply them directly to the area after cleaning it well.

Helps cure dysentery, diarrhea and stomach diseases

Banana leaves infusion

Due to their astringent properties, they are recommended to relieve stomach diseases such as ulcers and dysentery, stopping intestinal bleeding and relieving pain.

In this case we recommend consuming it in tea. Remember that before starting any of these treatments, you should consult your doctor.

Reduce body weight and cellulite

This ancient recipe comes from Asia and is quite simple. You just have to apply the crushed banana leaves on the problem areas such as abdomen, thighs and hips. You can also steam them and place them whole for an hour or two.

If you want to complement your cellulite treatment, have a cup of banana leaf tea after your treatment. You can add ginger and a little honey to it. We assure you that you will feel more energetic to undertake all your daily activities.

Banana leaves for healthy hair

To have thick, silky hair without dandruff, we recommend applying a mask of fresh banana leaves, previously crushed or passed through a blender, once a week.

  • Apply from the scalp to the ends of the hair, massage gently for ten minutes, and then leave it on for half an hour.
  • To finish, remove the mixture with cold water and you will see the results in a short time.

    Other ways to enjoy the benefits of banana leaves

    In addition to the options already mentioned, you can include delicious and healthy recipes in your diet that are also beneficial for your body.

    Banana leaves are mostly used in cooking to wrap dishes, such as Mexican tamales. You can also use them to steam or bake chicken and fish, giving them an intense aroma and flavor.

    The properties of banana leaves will help your body, since its consumption provides health benefits. Now that you know them, do not stop including them in your day to day. Try new recipes and preparations. Take advantage of the banana leaf and provide well-being to the body!

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