Did You Know That You Can Walk On Water?

The Bible says that Jesus Christ did it, so many scholars have dedicated years of their lives to find out if walking on water is really possible.

Thanks to this, today it is known that walking on water is not a fiction. And while you can’t walk on just any liquid, you can walk on non-Newtonian liquids. It is a substance known as Oobleck.

Its components are corn flour and water. That is why it is a whitish and viscous substance. On the other hand, the Oobleck acquires, depending on the pressure that is exerted on it, the characteristic of a solid.

Walk on water with the Oobleck

Walk on water with the Oobleck

Oobleck is a substance that is made up of 2/3 of cornmeal and 1/3 of water. Only that? Yes. These components are very easy to come by and can be combined to create a magical mix.

It is characterized by having the ability to become a solid according to the pressure applied to it. This same characteristic is possessed by all non-Newtonian liquids.

If you pour the mixture into a pool, a person can run from one end to the other if he does it quickly. But if it stopped for a few seconds it would sink.

In these liquids, the viscosity is not defined, much less is it constant. The more pressure applied to it, the more solid it becomes. But if nothing interferes with its nature, it maintains its liquid condition.

The basilisk lizard, a model to imitate

Science has tried to copy all the behaviors of nature and make them intrinsic to human beings. From the flight of birds, through the submersible capacities of fish, to the protagonist of this story: the basilisk lizard.

It is a reptile that is capable of walking on water. For this reason, it has been the subject of numerous studies that have established the objective of determining whether man could, in the future, meet this expectation.

To be able to walk like the basilisk, the human being would have to have the sole of the foot approximately one meter square. It would be necessary for this same human to have a lot of strength and would have to reach a speed close to 108 kilometers per hour.

On the Moon it would be possible to walk on water


A group of researchers published, in the scientific journal Plos One, a model that indicates what would happen if the support surface is changed.

The results showed that walking on water would be a possibility if we were on the Moon. They also pointed out that we would have to be subjected to:

  • A gravity five times less than that of Earth.
  • A speed necessary to cross a lagoon with the same capacity as the aforementioned lizard.

    These conditions cannot be achieved on our planet, but they are met by the Moon and Jupiter. However, the experiments here on Earth continue and the Oobleck is already a considerable advance.

    Advertising investment

    The brands of large companies have already used a large part of their capital to contribute to the investigations of this phenomenon.

    The sports brand Hi-Tec created a shoe that repels water thanks to the technology of masked ions. Thanks to this discovery, the company launched an advertising campaign on social networks that went viral.

    In it, some athletes ran on the water for several minutes and for several meters. His deed shocked the public and set a trend. Thanks to this idea, a new sport was born.

    It is known as  Walk on water (Liquid Mountaineering )  and consists of competitions of athletes who can run on water. It is in full development, but an important reception by the athletes of the future is expected.

    Illusionism or magic?

    Illusionism or magic

    Many have been the illusionists who have tried to surprise their audience by making them believe that they are walking on water, when, in reality, everything is an illusion. Criss Angel, an illusionist from the United States, managed to walk on the water of a swimming pool thanks to his tricks.

    Walking on water is no longer a fantasy or something unattainable. Now that the tricks have been revealed, it has been possible to advance on the subject. In addition, curiosity always wins, so science has advanced in its research and every day we obtain new data.

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