Consumption Of Green Tea And Black Tea Reduces The Risk Of Stroke

If you declare yourself a lover of infusions and tea in general, this article is going to appeal to you. Recent studies reveal that regular consumption of green tea and black tea reduces the risk of stroke and other vascular accidents.

The key, as always, is in balance. It is not about consuming many cups a day. A cup of black tea in the morning and another of green tea in the afternoon would be enough to enjoy its wonderful effects.

Here we will give you some benefits, join us!

Green tea and black tea reduce stroke risk by 20%


The study was carried out at the National Brain and Cardiovascular Center in Japan. It is a meticulous work that has lasted about 13 years and through which 83,269 people have been followed.

According to the director of this study, Dr. Yoshihiro Kokubo, the results are encouraging. Sometimes making a small change in our lifestyle like introducing a cup of green tea and black tea in our diet can help us avoid some health problems. Let’s see the results of this interesting work:

  • The study participants were between 45 and 74 years old.
  • They were divided into two groups. On the one hand, those who were regular consumers of green tea and black tea, and on the other, those who were not.
  • It was found that, indeed, those who drank between two and four cups of green tea and black tea were 20% less likely to suffer strokes compared to those who did not consume these infusions.
  • It was also interesting to see that people who drank at least one cup of coffee or two cups of green tea or black tea a day had a 32% lower risk of having a stroke.
  • It was also found that, on average, people who used to consume green tea and black tea tended to lead healthier lifestyles, which would also explain the lower risk of cerebrovascular disease.

    What explains this relationship?

    Doctors tell us that the most interesting thing about the work was to see how people who consumed a cup of coffee for breakfast and green tea or black tea in the afternoon were, in general, cardiovascularly healthy.

    • This would be explained in the traditional benefits of these natural drinks to avoid the formation of clots. Both green tea and black tea are rich in catechins, which give us a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Green tea and black tea increase endogenous antithrombogenic effects.
    • Experts recommend that we consume coffee or black tea in the morning and green tea in the afternoon. In this way, thanks to the chlorogenic acid in coffee, we reduce both the risk of stroke and the probability of developing type 2 diabetes.

    Other great benefits of green tea and black tea

    green tea and black tea

    Did you know that black tea has been used since ancient times as a remedy to increase memory? This data would be explained by its stimulating and energetic power. However, let’s know more benefits of this drink originated from Camellia sintensis .

    • There is scientific data that shows that black tea is energetic and stimulating. It is very rich in caffeine and in a stimulant called theophylline.
    • Black tea is also very rich in polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that allows us to protect cells against free radical damage.
    • It is astringent, hence its bitter taste and its power to improve digestion and treat gastritis.
    • It is a diuretic, ideal to combat fluid retention in the body.
    • It helps us lose weight thanks to the feeling of satiety that it gives us and its few calories, as this article shows. Black tea is ideal for breakfast or after meals.

    Green tea, a gift from nature

    Green tea is, after white tea, the drink richest in antioxidants. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

    • In addition, it has the ability to start our metabolism, which is very good for us to lose weight, as long as we accompany it with a healthy and balanced diet.
    • Another interesting fact is that green tea favors the health of the great arteries of the body. It prevents its hardening and stimulates the correct circulation of the blood, controlling the cholesterol level. It is therefore a very suitable drink to promote our health in general.

    So, do not hesitate. You can start your morning with a cup of coffee or black tea. In the afternoon, or after your meals, you can continue with a cup of green tea. If you also maintain an active life, you will fight cerebrovascular diseases.

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