Cloves And Garlic To Combat Toothache

Did you know that cloves are one of the most effective remedies to relieve toothaches? We can use its oil, or crush it and use the powder obtained.

If we made a ranking with the worst pain suffered by everyone, toothache would be in the first positions.

It is really unbearable and practically does not allow us to do any other activity.

The sensation can occur at any time, or when chewing or drinking a liquid.

Why do you suffer from toothache?


In the vast majority of cases, toothache is caused by cavities that wear down the enamel (the outer covering) and dentin (the ivory of the teeth) and have come to affect the nerve.

There are also other causes, such as:

  • Earache.
  • Dental abscess.
  • Injuries to the mouth.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Spoiled food between the teeth.
  • Food irritation between the molars.
  • Cracks, loss of filling, crown or amalgam.

The consequences associated with toothache are:

  • Pain that ranges from mild to severe.
  • Swelling of the mouth
  • Bad breath (halitosis).
  • Throbbing in the cheek.

Two powerful remedies for toothache

If the toothache is very bad and does not allow you to concentrate on your tasks or sleep at night, it would be better to visit a dentist.

Although for many this is the last resort, they could avoid a lot of problems or make the picture worse.

If you are starting with the symptoms, you can take advantage of the benefits of home remedies.

The two most effective are:

1. Cloves


It has anesthetic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties.

It has been used for centuries to treat pain caused by infections in the mouth.

Get clove oil from a herbalist and take advantage of the benefits of one of its “star” components: eugenol.

This substance acts directly against pain.

It may be a little harsh on the first application, but it will relieve you instantly.

If you want to increase the benefits, you can combine it with almond or olive oil.


  • If you don’t have clove oil, you can also use the stem or root directly. You will need 2 or 3, nothing more.
  • Grind them in the mortar so that you have a powder.
  • Place inside a coffee filter and tie with a clean string.
  • Put it in the mouth, between the cheek and the gum of the affected tooth.
  • Hold for as long as you can. The saliva will release the juices from the nail and these will act directly on the pain.

2. Garlic


Of course garlic can help us!

It is the home remedy par excellence, so it can never be missing in our home.

It helps in cases where the pain is really unbearable and until we go to the doctor.

  • Cut a garlic clove lengthwise and place on top of the aching tooth for 30 seconds.
  • Remove and apply the other half for another 30 seconds.

Garlic is very good in these cases because it contains allicin, an antibacterial component that eliminates infections and relieves pain.

Not for nothing has this food been used for centuries by different cultures to cure all kinds of conditions such as analgesic and anesthetic.

Lemon can be a great ally

In the event that the toothache has a microbial origin, rinsing with lemon juice can be an effective alternative. Lemon can alter the pH of the mouth, making it difficult for unwanted bacteria to grow. This reduces the probability of infections and the reproduction of certain microorganisms that in excess can generate pathologies such as candidiasis.

Performing rinses of approximately 2 minutes with lemon juice or baking soda a couple of times a day can control the populations of microorganisms that inhabit your mouth.

The best natural recipes for toothache

In addition to taking advantage of the benefits of cloves and garlic, you also have other natural options at your disposal that will help you eliminate symptoms.

Pay close attention to these homemade recipes:

  • Make a mouthwash with an infusion prepared with a handful of elderberry leaves, 80 ml of wine and 1 pinch of pepper. Wait until it is warm!
  • Chew on a handful of fresh parsley leaves. Do not include the stems and wash them well before putting them in your mouth.
  • Make a swish with a little liquor of any kind. The alcohol is absorbed by the gums and the affected area will become numb. This remedy is perfect for when pain prevents us from falling asleep.
  • Cut a slice of raw onion and place it on the affected tooth. Press down on your jaw to release its juice. Let it act for at least 15 minutes.
  • Make an infusion with a handful of chamomile flowers and a cup of boiling water. Let it rest covered for a few minutes. Filter and, when it is at room temperature, swish the liquid.

What’s moreā€¦


  • Dissolve a tablespoon of coarse salt in a cup of warm water. Swish for several minutes after each meal.
  • Cut some leaves and branches of parsley and make a paste with 1 tablespoon of salt and, if necessary, 1 tablespoon of water. Place between the gum and cheek on the affected area. Leave a few minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Soak a cotton ball with a few drops of fig milk. Apply on the tooth that hurts and leave for a few minutes.
  • Prepare an infusion with 2 tablespoons of absinthe and 1 cup of boiling water. Let stand 5 minutes, filter and before it cools, swish for several minutes.
  • Boil 1 cup of water with 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds until the liquid is reduced by half. Without filtering, soak a cotton ball and apply directly to the grinding wheel.

These remedies may relieve pain, but they are not the solution

However, if you suffer from toothache, it is best to see a healthcare professional. It may be necessary to administer drugs or perform some dental technique to attack the root of the problem and provide a solution.

Seeking to mask the pain with home remedies could simply be a patch that slightly hides the focus of the problem. If we let it pass, it can end up becoming a more serious pathology, therefore when in doubt it is best to seek the help of a specialist.

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