Bioneuroemotion And Headache

It is quite possible that you have already heard of the concept of “bioneuroemotion”. It refers to the fact of how certain unconscious factors in our life can determine the appearance of different ailments or health problems.

No one can deny, for example, the way in which stress or anxiety is reflected in our physical well-being, or how clinical pictures associated with depressions make the person sick, weakening their immune system and making them more prone to the incidence of certain ailments.

Obviously, we are not talking at all about serious diseases, there in which even medicine eludes the power to understand why we develop them.

Bioneuroemotion is an interesting humanistic trend that is gaining strength today. It is a way of complementing knowledge and discovering new trends as to why some of the most common ailments, such as, for example, headaches.

What does the bioneuroemotion intend?

Girl with glasses thinking.

First of all, we must say that bioneuroemotion does not seek to cure, treat or replace ordinary medical techniques. What this current is looking for can be summarized in the following aspects:

  • Recognize a problem in the body that would have to do with emotions. For example, my relationship problems make me feel undervalued. I feel tired, not wanting to do anything, I suffer from migraines and muscle aches .
  • It seeks to promote a new change in our emotions, thoughts and motivations not only to get to know ourselves better, but also to promote other internal approaches that allow us to change attitudes in daily life to overcome problems.
  • Above all, bioneuroemotion wants to offer a broader knowledge of the person about what he is like and how his thoughts and emotions produce changes at the cellular, brain, etc. level. For example, if we have been brought up in detachment, in a family that did not recognize us, yelled at us or did not offer us affection, all this determines the way in which the brain has matured.

    Discover: Repressed Emotions Alter Our Liver Health

    What is the relationship between bioneuroemotion and headache?

    We are all clear that headaches can have many origins, especially organic ones:

    • Anemia.
    • Tiredness.
    • Not having slept well.
    • Poor diet.
    • Liver problems.
    • Some underlying disease.
    • Food allergies.
    • Environmental factors, such as changes in pressure or temperatures.
    • Pain produced by muscle overload.

    One fact that we must take into account is that headaches can also be related to our emotions. When arguments, fear or another emotion is responsible for this headache, it does not appear instantly. They usually appear a few hours later and even the following days.

    What else should we know about emotions and headaches?

    When we go through a certain problem, the most appropriate thing would be to solve or manage emotions as soon as possible. However, what we usually do is “disconnect”, leave it for later and not face the situation, hoping that, with the days, things will change.

    Also, when we have relationship problems, we tend to suffer cumulative stress as many emotions intermingle. We long for things to improve, for us to return to the happiness of yesteryear, but little by little, all this anxiety accumulates in the mind.

    These accumulated negative emotions are translated, over time, in the form of overload, of internal tension that, almost always, generates a headache.

    Woman with headache

    Emotions can promote metabolic changes, and they lead to alterations even in blood circulation and organs. Many people, when they have a problem, have a hard time digesting, for example.

    To conclude, remember that a good diet and maintaining adequate lifestyle habits is essential to enjoy good health.

    Now, never neglect your emotions, and remember what bioneuroemotion tells us: every unsolved problem, every anxiety, produces biochemical changes that will determine some ailments.

    Take care of your conscience, your emotions, and, in general, of everything that implies your inner well-being so that you can have a more resistant health. To do this, you can resort to various techniques to clear the mind, sports, dance and many other activities, but also therapy with a professional.

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