Benefits Of Yoga For The Body, Mind And Spirit

If you want to strengthen your body and mind in a holistic way, try the practice of yoga.

Yoga is an original discipline of Hinduism, which means the union between body and mind. It seeks to promote the balance of both to generate well-being in an integral way. Best of all, science has been able to confirm its contributions to health. Would you like to know the benefits of yoga for the body, mind and spirit?

Although it seems that all the benefits revolve around releasing stress and cultivating spirituality, in reality, this practice has much more to offer. Let’s see them below.

Creative hobbies: yoga.

Tones the body

As the experts indicate: “yoga is a form of unconventional physical exercise (…) it has three essential components: muscle stretching, exercises to control breathing and meditation for a mind-body intervention”, this is what makes it so interesting and attractive.

  • With the practice of asanas (‘postures’), muscles and bones are strengthened and the entire muscular apparatus is toned.
  • The buttocks, legs, arms, wrists, abdomen, back and feet will be stronger every day when you perform the postures and sequences of movements.
  • You will also develop resistance, elasticity and improve your balance.
  • The movement will promote good blood circulation and oxygenation of the entire body, including the brain. This same provides other benefits, such as the regulation of blood pressure, for example.

Furthermore, with the practice of pranayamas (‘vital energy control techniques’) and meditation, the body achieves a comprehensive well-being. Physical work enhances psychological well-being.

Help to live in the present

Constantly thinking about the past or anticipating the future is a very common internal struggle. Often times, it is difficult to connect with the present and live in the moment without being deeply disturbed. However, yoga can make stress management easier and prevent it from escalating. How? Helping to focus the mind on the execution of movements and the breathing itself to achieve a posture.

For this reason, in a recent review, researchers pointed out that yoga appears to be a good technique for managing anxiety.

It allows to develop spirituality

Yoga to combat post-traumatic stress

You don’t have to be a religious practitioner to find spiritual meaning in your life. Disciplines such as yoga can contribute to this, as they promote positive habits of thought and behavior, especially in terms of coherence.

By helping to live in the present, focusing attention on one thing at a time, maintaining a good connection with one’s own essence, promoting consistent and assertive behavior, it also makes it easier for everyone to develop their spirituality and find well-being in it.

Teaches to know, respect and take care of the body

Being a discipline that seeks to promote well-being from a holistic approach, yoga allows each practitioner to know their body and, based on this, better understand it, learn to respect it and take care of it properly, both in practice and in the rest of the activities that are carried out on a daily basis.

Each session helps to discover that the important thing is not to perfectly perform a posture in a short time to demonstrate something, but rather to perform the posture as well as possible, maintaining good control of your own body, breathing and, of course, the mind. .

Likewise, you learn that you do not have to make demands on your body, but rather pay attention to its rhythms and help it advance according to them. Additionally, the requirement can lead to injury.

Reduce stress and anxiety

Of all the benefits of yoga, this is the most popular: it helps reduce stress and anxiety. In a work on the neurobiology of yoga it is exposed:

In life there are unexpected moments that can disturb us, but yoga can help to manage tension and prevent anguish and fear from causing psychological and physical discomfort, but for this, it should always go hand in hand with a whole set of good life habits.

As we have seen, the benefits of yoga for the body, mind and spirit are multiple because they do not work areas separately, but comprehensively.

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