Bach Flowers To Improve The Behavior Of Our Pets

Bach flowers are flower essences that help to naturally treat emotional problems and their repercussions on the physical plane. Available scientific evidence indicates that Bach flowers have no verifiable efficacy. Still, some doctors and veterinarians use them in their treatments.

Next we explain how, according to the defenders of this method, they help to improve some problems of our pets, such as anxiety, nervousness, sadness, trauma or aggressiveness, among others.

What are Bach flowers?

Bach flowers were discovered by the Welsh physician Edward Bach in the first third of the 20th century. According to its discoverer, these plants are used to treat all kinds of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual disorders, starting from the premise that all physical illnesses have an emotional origin.

According to Bach, the 38 flower essences that make up this natural therapy act on the energy plan, undoing blockages through the subtle power of the essences. These essences act as a kind of emotional medicine cabinet and are said to have no contraindications or adverse effects.

A flower for every problem

This is a list of some Bach flowers, along with the conditions against which they are allegedly useful:

  • Chicory : for overly dependent pets, who can be possessive.
  • Beech : to help our pets interact better with other animals or with people.
  • Walnut : to help adaptation, when a major change is experienced. It is also effective during heat.
  • Mustard : for animals suffering from sadness or depression with no known cause.

  • Pets that have been abandoned : If the abandonment is recent, Rescue Remedy. If it happened a long time ago: Star of Bethlehem + Honeysucke + Chicory + Mimulus
  • Before, during and after surgery: Rescue Remedy + Walnut + Hornbeam + Olive
  • To help train nervous pets: Impatiens + Vervain + Chestnut Bud + Cherry Plum
  • If we want to introduce a new pet into the family, those who already live in the house will be very helpful in the combination of: Rescue Remedy + Walnut + Holly + Beech

How do you grow and where do you get Bach flowers?

4 drops of the essence should be put daily in our pet’s water, or give it 4 drops 4 times a day with a dropper. Bach flowers can be found in herbalists, health food stores, some pharmacies and centers specializing in natural products and alternative therapies. If more than one flower is needed, it is necessary to request that they make a preparation with a maximum of seven flowers.

The Rescue can be purchased ready-made and is used in emergency situations, so it should always be kept close at hand.

Some final tips

  • If there are difficulties determining which flowers to give the pet, a flower therapist can help choose them.
  • It is recommended to do the treatment for at least three weeks and maintain it until there is improvement.
  • If we have more than one pet, nothing happens if they all drink the same water with flower essences. These will only act on that animal that needs them.

Images courtesy of Yukari, mizuo_fiat and gryhrt

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