Are There Infusions That Help Dissolve Kidney Stones?

Many people suffer from kidney stones. Today we will discover if it is possible to deal with them through certain infusions.

Many people suffer from kidney stones in the kidneys. A painful and rather unpleasant condition that we deal with with difficulty. So we are probably wondering if it is possible to dissolve kidney stones without resorting to medications.

Today, in this article, we will tell you if the infusions to which properties are attributed to dissolve kidney stones have or do not have scientific endorsement. Of course, despite the natural recommendations that we will expose here, it is necessary to see a doctor to follow up with us. Kidney stones can worsen which would aggravate your symptoms.

What are kidney stones?

kidney stones

According to the United States National Library of Medicine, kidney stones are solid masses made up of small crystals made of mineral salts and acid salts. Several stones can occur at the same time, or just one stone, in the kidney or ureter.

Kidney stones form when the kidneys are unable to process toxins efficiently. They can also form when urine is very concentrated, causing minerals to crystallize and join together to form a kidney stone or stone. However, there are other factors:

  • Suffering from obesity
  • Genetics.
  • Eat a diet high in protein, sodium, and sugar.
  • Have an excess of calcium in the body.
  • Poor hydration

Some studies indicate that kidney stones are more common in men than women. However, this information is merely illustrative.

Do infusions help to dissolve kidney stones?

Alternative medicine usually recommends the intake of various infusions to prevent kidney stones and even as a way to dissolve them. Now, are they really effective? We present the most recommended infusions and we will tell you if they have a scientific basis.

Infusion number 1

The data on this infusion is also uncertain. However, it is often highly recommended by Ayurvedic medicine. Check with your doctor about it.


  • Burdock seeds
  • Honey


  • We put the burdock seeds in a saucepan over the fire and let it boil.
  • When it reaches the boiling point we turn off the heat and cover the saucepan.
  • We let it rest for half an hour.
  • Then we strain the mixture and add a teaspoon of honey if we want.

Infusion number 6

Our last mention does not have scientific endorsement, therefore its intake should be controlled by a specialist. Remember that, although the infusions are made with plants, it is necessary to consult a doctor before drinking them.


  • Thyme
  • Honey


  • We make an infusion with thyme.
  • Let the mixture rest for 15 minutes.
  • We strain and sweeten with a little honey, if we wish.
  • We will have a daily cup for a week.

Other remedies to dissolve kidney stones

1. Lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and olive oil

It is listed as one of the most effective home remedies against kidney stones, especially since it would be soothing.

  • When you start to notice the symptoms of kidney stones mix 2 ounces of organic olive oil with 2 ounces of organic lemon juice.
  • Then proceed to drink the juice without taking the time to savor it.
  • Next, drink a 12-ounce glass of purified water.

2. Celery


Both celery and its respective seeds are known to be diuretic foods and it is believed that they would work as kidney tonics. If we regularly consume celery seed as a condiment or prepared in tea, this would help us prevent the formation of kidney stones.

If you suffer or think you have kidney stones, do not self-medicate and visit your doctor. No one better than him will be able to indicate the most appropriate treatment according to your physical condition and needs.

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