An Effective Diet To Reduce The Abdomen

If our objective is to reduce the abdomen, we must adopt a cleansing diet that includes diuretic fruits and vegetables that allow us to reduce bloating and end fluid retention.

Reducing the abdomen to look slim and toned is one of the great ambitions of those who adopt a plan to lose weight. Although it is not easy to achieve it, losing centimeters in this region of the body is key to showing off a more stylized figure.

The big drawback is that, unfortunately, it is usually the area that tends to accumulate fat the most. Added to this, it reflects problems such as fluid retention, constipation and other disorders that make it look inflamed. This is why, before resorting to miraculous methods, it is best to adopt a low-calorie diet that supports the functions that allow you to fight fat.

In this way, without exposing the health to unwanted reactions, we can begin to reduce its measurements so that it looks flatter and more molded. Are you interested? Do not miss the diet that we share below.

Reduce your abdomen with a healthy diet

To reduce the abdomen effectively it is essential to expend more energy than is consumed. For this reason, in addition to reducing the number of total calories in the diet, it is essential to adopt a physical training plan.

Together, these habits “boost” the activity of the metabolism and enhance its ability to transform nutrients into sources of energy. Thus, little by little, the weight decreases and the abdomen flattens out.

Another aspect that must be taken into account is hydration; daily consumption of water stimulates digestion and promotes the elimination of fluids and toxins that cause inflammation disorders.

macrobiotic diet

Foods allowed in the diet

To carry out an effective diet to combat abdominal fat, it is essential to recognize the foods that benefit this process. In this way you can expand the menus without fear of gaining extra pounds.

The recommendations are as follows:

  • Eggs.
  • Seeds and nuts.
  • Lean meats and fish.
  • Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans).
  • Fruits (apple, orange, strawberries, bananas, etc.).
  • Vegetables (chard, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, etc.).
  • Skim milk or vegetable milks (in small quantities).

Prohibited foods in the diet

To obtain satisfactory and noticeable results with the diet, it is necessary to limit or eliminate some foods that are poor in nutrients and high in saturated fat and sugar. These substances have been shown to be capable of promoting obesity.

These include:

  • Whole dairy.
  • Stuffed meats.
  • Packaged chips.
  • High-fat cheeses.
  • Canned products.
  • Pre-made meals.
  • Vegetable oils such as soy or palm.
  • Soft drinks or soft drinks. Sweets, cakes and any bakery product.

In addition, some of these ultra-processed foods are associated with an increased risk of developing complex pathologies, according to a study published in JAMA .

Diet model to reduce the abdomen

To achieve good results through food, it is convenient to carry out a weekly plan that includes three main meals and two snacks. The menus that we propose below are samples of how to make balanced and light meals.

Food can be modified as long as it meets the body’s nutritional requirements. The most important thing is to avoid combinations that exceed the recommended number of calories (between 1800 and 2000 daily).


Eggs in the diet to obtain phosphorus.

  • An infusion and an omelette made with four egg whites and spinach leaves.
  • A slice of whole wheat bread, a cup of non-dairy milk (250 ml) and a boiled egg.
  • A cup of oat milk (250 ml), a piece of whole wheat bread and a bowl with strawberries and blueberries.


  • A natural yogurt (125 ml) with a handful of almonds or walnuts (30 g).
  • A bowl of chopped fruits (cantaloupe, watermelon, apple, etc.).


  • A portion of chicken breast (150 g) and a mixed salad (you can dress it with olive oil).
  • A green vegetable salad, a serving of lean meat (150 g) and an apple for dessert.
  • A bowl of shredded chicken vegetable soup.

Mid afternoon

  • A glass of watermelon and strawberry smoothie (200 ml).
  • A portion of roasted breast (100 g) with sliced ​​cucumber.
  • A slice of whole wheat bread with tomato slices and a cup of infusion (250 ml).


  • Vegetable or chicken soup and two whole wheat toasts.
  • A portion of grilled breast (150 g) and steamed broccoli.
  • Two slices of whole wheat bread with turkey breast and a baked vegetable salad.


Do weight loss teas work?

  • Water (drink between 6 and 8 glasses a day).
  • Detoxifying fruits (watermelon, papaya, melon, pear, kiwi, etc.).
  • Infusions of plants and spices (ginger, cinnamon, chamomile, sage, etc.).

Keep in mind that you can also introduce a protocol with evidence for weight loss, such as intermittent fasting. Although always do it under the supervision of a professional.

Plan a diet to lose fat in the abdomen

The results of this diet begin to be noticed in a matter of weeks when accompanied with an exercise routine. Be disciplined and get the abs you want so much.

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