The Best Fruit Juices To Drink On An Empty Stomach

Fruit juices can give you that “boost” of energy you need in the morning to start your day. Find the option that you like the most and prepare it.

Eating well is the most effective preventive natural medicine to keep you healthy and start your days with energy, vitality and a good mood. To help you, we suggest you start the day with some delicious fruit juices. 

How do you make it?

Tropical fruits.

Health and nutrition experts recommend preferably consuming the whole fruit, as this is how it can provide more health benefits. However, to get active first thing in the morning you can consume them in the form of a drink.

The quickest and most convenient way to prepare these fruit juices is with a blender. However, if you don’t have this appliance, you can use a mixer. Remember that it is not necessary that you always strain this type of drink, as the ideal is to make good use of the fruit pulp.

Discover: Why is it important to eat fruits and vegetables according to the WHO?

When are they taken?

In the morning, before having your breakfast, it would be the ideal time to consume your fruit juices, as they would help you hydrate and obtain the necessary energy to wake up thanks to its contribution of fructose. However, you can also drink them with breakfast, mid-morning or as part of a snack.

  • More than worrying about the moment of consumption, the important thing is that you enjoy them in moderation, as a healthy alternative to soft drinks and industrial drinks.
  • You can try the different recipes that we propose and create your own versions, according to your preferences and needs.

Fruit juice recipes to enjoy at home

The nutritional contribution of the fruits that we are going to comment on is provided by the experts of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN). Let’s get on with it!

Apple and carrot

The apple is a neutral fruit that combines perfectly with any food. Although this fruit is not usually highlighted, the truth is that it has many properties and, as the saying goes:  if we take it every day we will keep the doctor away. It is rich in fiber, contains antioxidants and contains vitamins of group B and C.

Both apple and carrot are very beneficial for the skin and the combination of both will give the juice a delicious sweet taste.

Pear and grape

Pear is a fruit rich in fiber, vitamin C and flavonoids, which are essential for the beauty of the skin, hair and nails as well as for bone and joint health. Its sweet flavor combines perfectly with the acidic and sweet nuances of the grape.

For its part, red grapes contain vitamin C, bioflavonoids and resveratrol, a nutrient that could be beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Pineapple and orange

This tropical juice is delicious, as it combines the sweetness of both fruits to perfection, while still having a slightly acid touch (very typical of citrus fruits). It can help you start the day with energy and encourage you to do your exercises first thing in the morning.

Pineapple is rich in water, which allows it to eliminate retained fluids from the body and also improves digestive function, thanks to its ability to stimulate gastric juices and reduce inflammation of the digestive tract.

The orange is a fruit rich in vitamin C, folates, carotenoids and flavonoids that help maintain the body’s health and enjoy well-being. Its consumption is usually recommended, especially in case of colds or flu, but the truth is that you can always take advantage of it.

Watermelon and mint

One of the most refreshing and diuretic fruit juices, ideal for hot days and for those who suffer from fluid retention.

Watermelon is a fruit very rich in water and fiber, very suitable to include it in weight loss diets. But it is important to note that it should always be taken separately from meals to digest it correctly.

The mint gives it an even more refreshing and original touch. This plant is one of the most refreshing and, in addition, it has important digestive properties. We must add two fresh mint leaves for each glass of juice.

Lemon, celery, and ginger

Lemon is one of the fruits richest in vitamin C and antioxidants. On the other hand, celery is rich in water and fiber, therefore, it is a very easy food to combine.

Additionally, ginger contains several vitamins (C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9) and minerals such as calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, phosphorus and sodium.

Therefore, together, these three ingredients help to obtain one of the most digestive and diuretic fruit juices for which we can choose first thing in the morning. 

Before a commercial soft drink, drink a natural juice

Foods rich in antioxidants

There are those who consider that, by drinking juices and natural fruit juices, the craving for sweets could be satisfied in a healthier way than eating any type of snack. 

One last recommendation: avoid consuming fruit juices as a substitute for whole pieces. Remember that if you want to get all the benefits of these foods, you must eat the whole pieces naturally, not in juices or other preparations. Drinks should always be one more complement to your diet.

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