Habits To Have More Energy All Day

The secret to having more energy is to maintain healthy habits that add well-being. Coffee is one more pleasure on the list.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to drink liters and liters of coffee early to have more energy all day. In fact, by performing a number of very simple actions, you can stay sharp and well-disposed. Do you know what they can be? Discover them below!

Sometimes you don’t know why, but somehow you get up and feel that you lack that “fuel” to move without heaviness from here to there, and of course, fulfill all your activities. You try a delicious cup of coffee, but the truth is that you wake up much less than you expected … Then you wonder what you can do. Have another cup of coffee? Not necessarily! The key is in your habits.

How to have more energy all day?

The routine can take a toll on the body and if we add to that the fact of not sleeping or eating well, it is normal not to have enough strength to face the day.

That is why we give you the following tips to have more energy all day. Get started today!

1. Try to get a quality night’s rest

Woman sleeping on her side hugging the pillow

It may seem obvious but it is necessary to indicate it as a first recommendation. A good night’s rest is synonymous with more energy during the day.

It does not have to do with the number of hours but with the quality of sleep. Try to be comfortable in bed, with enough warmth and in as little light as possible. To avoid insomnia, do not watch television or use your mobile 1 hour before going to bed.

2. Exercise

Although it seems the opposite, the practice of physical activity before 10 in the morning is more beneficial than in the afternoon or evening. This is because exercise releases endorphins that improve mood and prepare us for the rest of the day.

Another option if you don’t like getting up so early is to move your body in an “informal” way. This means that for example you go to work by bicycle, use the stairs instead of the elevator or leave the car parked further away to have to walk to the office.

3. Meditate

Maybe your thing is not intense exercise and you want a more relaxed activity and thus have more energy early. In this case, we recommend that you dedicate about 10 minutes to meditation.

You do not need to be an expert Tibetan monk or a specific technique: it is simply a matter of getting into the lotus position (with your legs crossed and your back straight), closing your eyes and focusing on your breath.

Put aside any thoughts that relate to work, money, a partner, or housework. Focus on your body and let nothing else matter.

4. Leave a source of natural light

Keys to mitigate anxiety.

The best way to tell your mind that it’s time to get up is with natural light. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to leave a source of light at your fingertips.

By drawing the curtains after the alarm clock rings, the brain begins to activate. Also, our spirits go up.

5. Have a good breakfast

It is essential not to delay or skip this all- important meal. In short, it is the one that provides you with all the nutrients your body needs to start the day.

It is a very common habit to rush out of the house and drink a coffee on the way, however it is not the most appropriate. Get up 10 minutes earlier and prepare a full breakfast which should include fruits, cereals, and dairy.

Breakfasts that contain carbohydrates and fibers are the most recommended to have more energy throughout the day. An example: some Greek yogurt with oatmeal, a slice of whole wheat bread with cheese, and a banana.

It is also important to drink water before having your first coffee. This is simply to hydrate the body early and facilitate the correct execution of all the processes that it is responsible for carrying out.

6. Maintain the proper posture

Once you get to work you can also change some habits to feel more energetic or awake without having to drink 2 cups of coffee.

As a first step, we advise you to place your desk near a window from which natural light enters as much as possible , so that the brain is active.

On the other hand, it would be good for you to maintain good postural hygiene. This means that you must take care of your posture not only to avoid contractures and pain but also so that you do not “fall asleep” in front of the screen. For this, the back should be as straight as possible, the shoulders separated from the ears and the neck comfortable.

7. Get moving

Stretching indoors before going for a run.

Avoid stiffness from spending hours in the same posture. You can get up from your seat 5 minutes every hour and take a little walk around the office.

 By activating blood circulation and moving around a bit, you will come out of lethargy and have more energy.

8. Musicalize

Sometimes there is nothing that serves to wake us up even if we try different techniques. How about putting on some upbeat music? You can listen to it on your own or share it, as allowed at work or in your home office.

Pleasant melodies activate the brain and allow you to increase concentration and focus. They also reduce stress and tension. And they make life so much more fun!

Now that you know all these tips … What are you waiting for to put them into practice? Go ahead and check all its benefits!

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