6 Ways To Prevent A Fight From Worsening The Relationship

Fights within a relationship are perfectly normal, even healthy. There will be things that you do not like and you should talk with whoever you are sharing your life with.

There are times when all you do is fight and this is no longer healthy, because it can start to wear down the bond causing the relationship to end. Are you at that point? Here’s how to prevent a fight from making the relationship worse.

1. Putting yourself in the place of the other

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Although you want to be understood by your partner all the time to avoid fights, unfortunately it is not always possible.

You will not always agree with everything, because you are different people who can perceive the same thing in different ways. This is great, but it can also create some conflict in the relationship. The first thing you should do is try to understand what your partner meant.

The best thing you can do is ask directly before make you mad and start the fight.

Think that your partner may feel hurt and what he said was not with the intention of hurting or annoying you.

The key is that you can communicate well and put the arguments aside. This way you can prevent a fight from getting worse, even from even starting.

2. Don’t wait until the last minute to say what you feel

Some people fear direct confrontation. This causes them to tend to shut up if something bothers them, but then they can explode when they can’t take it anymore. This can prevent a fight from getting worse for only a short time, but then it will lead to more serious problems. It is best to talk about what is bothering you at the moment.

Listen to your partner and clearly explain your position , both of you must work on the relationship. Do not forget to have a lot of respect when listening to what your partner has to say, so they will not feel belittled.

3. Don’t assume they read your mind

Man arguing with couple

You should not assume that your partner knows everything you are feeling. There will be times that This expectation can generate some conflicts since you are not on the same page. So a pointless fight can start. To avoid this, it  is important that you express what you feel correctly.

Are you feeling sad and want me to hug you ?; Are you angry and need alone time? Well say it, like this, clear and direct.

4. Learn to speak without arguing

What happens many times is that one of the two avoids expressing their feelings in case they are accused of being too sensitive . The point is, this will only cause feelings to build up.

It is likely that at some point they can explode and the discussion will be much worse. You shouldn’t be afraid to tell your partner how you are feeling.

It’s a good idea to set aside a certain time to talk quietly about the subject. To prevent a fight from getting worse, it would be good to take some time to calm down. Then you can arrange a time at home where you can be calm and talk about what is happening.

For that You need to have a proactive and optimistic attitude that helps you to try to solve things , consult with your partner about what he feels and look together for the best option.
If you really want to resolve and communicate well with your partner, then you should avoid certain things like:

  • Raise your voice.
  • Bringing out problems in the past.
  • Involve other people to back up what you say.

All these attitudes do not contribute to a climate of communication and understanding, the only thing they can generate is that your partner feels attacked and reacts defensively.

5. Maintain intimacy in the couple

No matter how many problems you may have as a couple, it is essential to pay attention and take care of the intimate side of the relationship . For that the best thing is to spend quality time together, do things that allow you to know more about each other and strengthen the bond . Sometimes we forget that we are individual people with our own characteristics.

You must make the effort to know and understand each other in different situations to create a stronger bond that allows you to better deal with problems.

Manage mental problems in the couple.

6. Don’t leave open discussions

It is very important that all fights have a closure and that they do not resurface in future discussions. Once a problem is solved, it should be in the past . Both should be comfortable and calm with the other’s response.

Each fight is different, depending on the severity of the situation and what has affected you, but being with your partner implies accepting her as she is, with her flaws and her qualities.

It is wrong to think that by starting a relationship you will make the person change, this is the best recipe for it. failure .

Fights are based on disagreements about certain aspects of life and highlight the defects of the other, so you should learn some tips to prevent a fight from getting worse.

It is one thing to fight for the decision your partner made and quite another to fight for the sake of it. If your anger is about something that person is, reflect on whether or not they are the one for you.

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