9 Secrets To Get The Body You Want: Put Them Into Practice!

Getting the body you want requires, above all, will and dedication. More than an effort, it must become an attitude towards life where the purpose is the following: maintain our ideal weight with health.

Likewise, reaching that dream figure also implies assuming a realistic perspective. Our age, metabolism and constitution will undoubtedly determine a specific body image. Accepting that body scheme comes first. Later, we can take appropriate steps to look better, to eliminate excess pounds and those somewhat more flaccid parts.

Strategies to get the body you want

To have the body you want, it is necessary to eat an adequate diet.

Losing weight with health and enjoying our beauty much more is possible if we put these tips into practice. They are easy and, in addition, you will improve your general well-being.

1. We have to have a “good” breakfast

Having a good breakfast does not mean leaving home with a coffee, let alone fasting. Let’s put aside erroneous theories or restrictive weight loss techniques.

  • The body has not eaten for 8 hours and to maintain a stable metabolism you have to follow some routines. While it is true that fasting has shown benefits, in the case of having breakfast, a healthy approach to food choices is optimal.
  • A good breakfast should include fiber, vitamins and, of course, protein. In other words, to get the body you want it is necessary to never exclude protein sources, such as those from eggs.
  • Another essential point to keep in mind about this first meal of the day is that oatmeal is perfect for improving line and health.

         How about we combine it with a little apple and walnuts?

2. Plan your meals

One way to have good control over what we eat is to plan ahead. In this way we will avoid mistakes such as getting home and “preparing the first thing we want”.

  • Don’t hesitate: buy yourself an agenda and start establishing the diet for the week. You can consult tasty and original recipes with more time.
  • Keep in mind that eating and dining early is associated with a lower risk of being overweight, according to a study published in Nutrients .

3. Leave the house with a bottle of water in your bag

It costs nothing, and something as easy as drinking small sips of water throughout the day will allow us to eliminate toxins and cleanse the body much better.

  • If you dare, you can even add a little lemon juice to enhance its benefits and enjoy a more pleasant flavor.

4. Replace refined grains with whole grains

On our shopping list we will include whole grain rice and pasta, whole grain bread, such as oatmeal or rye, and whole wheat flour if we are going to prepare a dessert. This simple change in your diet will promote health and help you get that body you want. It is worth the effort. Keep in mind that there is evidence that fiber creates satiety, which reduces the risk of snacking between meals.

5. Take a walk for half an hour a day

Throughout your days, you can surely take between half an hour or an hour off. Before relaxing in front of the television or doing housework, it is worth putting on some good shoes, comfortable clothes and going for a walk.

This aerobic exercise will improve heart health and help us lose weight. Do you dare to go for a walk with your group of friends?

6. Yes to healthy fats

Never make the mistake of carrying out a restrictive diet where we prohibit all types of fats. A healthy diet should include monounsaturated fatty acids. They will give us satiety, take care of the health of our arteries and increase our levels of serotonin to improve mood.

Feel free to eat the following foods:

  • Salmon.
  • Walnuts.
  • Olive oil.
  • Avocado.
  • Almonds
  • Flax seeds.

7. Eat chia seeds

Chia seeds will help you get the body you want. They will do it, first of all, because they help us speed up our metabolism. Likewise, we cannot forget the following virtues:

  • They are rich in Omega 3.
  • They are anti-inflammatory.
  • It helps us fight cellulite and prevent premature aging.
  • They are satiating.
  • Chia is also an excellent gut regulator.

8. Small resistance exercises

Every time you have a few free minutes, take advantage of them. It doesn’t matter that you don’t have weights at home; sometimes imagination is the best resource.

  • Nothing like playing your favorite music and climbing stairs. You can also do push-ups, hold weights with your arms, do squats …

If we are constant, the results will be seen in a short time.

9. Sleep 8 hours a day

Sleeping six hours or less every day has serious consequences. The metabolism changes; in fact, we even run the risk of developing diabetes if our insomnia becomes chronic.

  • In addition, by sleeping little and feeling tired , the brain activates its reward centers. Eating satisfies and relaxes us, and hence, little by little, we end up gaining weight.
  • Spending a week without sleeping the right hours will make us look for foods high in carbohydrates to compensate for that energy deficit in the brain.

Watch the routines to get the body you want

So, do not hesitate: to get the body you want you must follow stable schedules.

Always eat at the same time, sleep 8 hours, practice a little sport and, above all, make these healthy strategies our way of life.

Worth it!

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