9 Medicinal Benefits That You Get Thanks To Aloe Vera Gel

Did you know that aloe vera gel is ideal for purifying the body and helps us control cholesterol? It also has anti-inflammatory properties that improve circulation.

Aloe vera or aloe  is one of the best known and most used plants in the world.

And it is that it not only stands out for its high nutritional value but also has multiple medicinal and cosmetic benefits.

Its high content of antioxidant compounds, vitamins and minerals have been used for thousands of years as a supplement to prevent and treat various types of diseases.

In fact, the pharmacological and cosmetic industry uses it as a base ingredient for the elaboration of hundreds of products that they distribute in the market.

However, most people prefer to use it in its natural state, since it is the best way to take advantage of its properties without running the risk of unwanted effects.

With this in mind, today we wanted to collect its 9 main benefits.

Discover them!

Benefits of aloe vera:

1. Fight constipation


The gel contained in the aloe vera plant is one of the oldest natural remedies for the control of constipation and other digestive disorders.

Its high concentration of fiber, in addition to water, acts as a mild laxative.  Thus, it stimulates the intestinal movement to achieve an optimal elimination of waste.

2. Provides essential nutrients

Including aloe vera crystals in juices and smoothies can provide the body with a boost of essential nutrients such as:

  • Vitamins (A, complex B, C and E).
  • Minerals (sodium, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc).

3. Promotes cholesterol control

Regulates cholesterol

The antioxidant compounds and the liquid contained in this natural ingredient can help regulate cholesterol levels in patients with hypercholesterolemia.

Its vitamins and minerals promote the cleaning of the arteries and, incidentally, exert an anti-inflammatory effect that helps improve blood circulation.

4. Helps to lose weight

Consuming small doses of aloe vera, either alone or in shakes, serves as a supplement to lose weight in a healthy way.

  • Its contributions of fiber, antioxidants and water help eliminate harmful waste from the body and, incidentally, improve metabolic activity.
  • On the other hand, its intake increases the feeling of satiety and decreases the tendency to consume excess calories.

5. Improves oral health


Aloe vera gel contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds that help protect teeth and gums against harmful microorganisms.

Its ingestion and direct application supports the elimination of bacteria. Thus, it prevents the formation of infections and bad breath problems.

6. Helps detoxify the body

The nutrients concentrated in this food are useful to stimulate the cleansing of the body’s excretory organs, such as the liver and kidneys.

Its properties improve the activity of these organs, facilitating the cleaning of the blood and reducing the risk of cell damage.

7. Prevents diabetes

Diabetes and insulin resistance

Aloe vera crystals have hypoglycemic properties that help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes or uncontrolled blood sugar levels.

Its fiber and a substance known as glucomannan support the processes that convert sugars into energy, thus preventing their retention in the blood.

8. Improves skin health

Both its consumption and the direct application of aloe vera on the skin can help to significantly improve its appearance and health.

This ingredient regulates the skin’s pH and prevents excess dryness and uncontrols in the sebaceous glands.

On the other hand, it is an agent that facilitates the elimination of dead cells while promoting tissue regeneration.

This means that, used regularly, it is ideal for preventing scars, blemishes and wrinkles.

9. Acts as an anti-inflammatory

This food has anti-inflammatory substances such as campesterol, lupeol and beta-sitosterol whose assimilation reduces swelling and pain.

These properties are beneficial for patients with chronic conditions, the development of which has a lot to do with inflammation.

Therefore, aloe gel is recommended for patients with:

  • Arthritis and osteoarthritis.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Skin burns
  • Digestive ulcers
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Crohn’s disease.

Did you know these benefits of aloe vera? Now that you know how good it is for your body, go ahead and consume it regularly and benefit from its properties.

If you are not able to consume it on its own, add it to your natural juices or fruit smoothies.

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