9 Home Remedies To Relieve Tooth Sensitivity

If you have sensitive teeth, these home remedies that we propose today can help you relieve discomfort.

Tooth sensitivity is a very common ailment in the population that is usually caused by eating very cold or hot food. Do you want to discover how to relieve tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity sufferers describe it as a sharp, electric stabbing sensation in one or more of their teeth.

This can be due to many factors, including the deterioration of tooth enamel, sensitivity after treatment or some type of injury.

In all these cases, the nerve endings are compromised and from there this discomfort originates.

Fortunately, although it is not something serious, there are several home remedies that can help alleviate tooth sensitivity.

However, if this pain is persistent and constant, it is best to see your dentist to determine if it is due to an infection.

How to relieve tooth sensitivity

1. Baking soda

Relieve tooth sensitivity with baking soda

The weakening of tooth enamel causes constant pain and general discomfort. If to this we add an excess or deficiency in the production of saliva, it is very likely that the sensitivity will advance to another degree of severity.

One way to protect your teeth against this effect is to take advantage of the properties of baking soda.

How to use?

  • Dilute a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in a little water and make a mouthwash.
  • It can also be used as a toothpaste with your toothbrush.
  • Of course, it should not be used excessively because it can have opposite effects.

2. Salt

A salt mouthwash is another good solution to alleviate tooth sensitivity. Thanks to its properties, salt reduces the presence of bacteria and also controls problems such as bad breath.

How to use it?

  • Mix a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water and gargle twice a day.

    3. Cinnamon oil

    Cinnamon oil

    This solution is very effective in relieving pain after eating very hot or cold food.

    How to use it?

    • Dip a cotton ball in the oil and rub it on your sore teeth after eating.

    4. Clove essential oil

    Cloves contain a substance known as eugenol whose anti-inflammatory properties reduce the pain caused by this dental problem.

    Its effect can last up to 30 minutes and gives more than enough time for the discomfort to disappear spontaneously.

    In turn, its pungent odor and antibacterial qualities help neutralize halitosis and the bacteria that cause it.

    How to use?

    • Apply several drops of clove essential oil to the areas with the most pain. If you don’t have this, just chew a few whole cloves.

      5. Ginger

      Benefits of ginger to relieve tooth sensitivity

      Ginger root is another of the natural pain relievers used to control the symptoms of various types of ailments associated with stress.

      Its anti-inflammatory effects accelerate recovery.

      How to use?

      • The first alternative is to gargle three times a day with your infusion.
      • You can also grate the root and apply it directly to the affected area.

      6. Cayenne pepper

      One of the reasons cayenne pepper is believed to relieve pain is because it tricks the body, preventing it from focusing on sensitivity.

      Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have long been used to treat a number of conditions, including those that affect the mouth.

      How to use it?

      • Dilute a small amount of cayenne pepper in water and use the liquid to gargle.
      • Repeat its use twice a day.

      7. Soft bristle brush

      Aggressive brushes are one of those responsible for the deterioration or weakening of the layer that covers the teeth.

      Taking into account that this could cause sensitivity problems and even infections, it is best to change it as soon as possible to one with soft bristles.

      Likewise, care must be taken when brushing so as not to cause injury to the teeth or gums.

      8. Avoid the consumption of sugars and acids

      Avoid the consumption of sugars and acids

      Acidic or high-sugar foods and drinks are potential causes of tooth erosion.

      Sodas, commercial juices and acidic foods influence inflammation and the greater number of episodes of pain and infection.

      9. Mustard oil

      Applying mustard oil to the affected areas is another very simple way to provide momentary relief.

      How to use?

      • Smear your fingers or a piece of cotton with the product and then rub your teeth.
      • Apply it twice a day.

      Taking into account that these remedies are natural, it is essential to bear in mind that many times their results are not immediate; however, it is advisable to use them several times to alleviate tooth sensitivity.

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