8 Symptoms You Experience When You Suffer From Visual Stress

Asthenopia or visual stress is a disorder that has increased considerably in recent years, due to the excessive use of electronic devices.

Although this is not the only cause, the increase in hours in front of the screens has become the main responsible for the overexertion of the eyes.

It is estimated that it affects at least 80% of those who work in front of computers for a long time and, in fact, it is common among those who are exposed to environments with little lighting. Thus, studies such as the one carried out at the University of Cape Town by Dr. Samuel O. Wajuihia, indicates that we are facing a reality that appears more and more frequently among the younger population.

We are facing a condition characterized by the sensation of eye fatigue, almost always accompanied by blurred vision, pain in the eyeball and inability to maintain focus at close distances.

The most worrying thing is that few pay attention to it, since they do not associate its symptoms with the overwork to which the eyes are exposed. This makes it difficult to treat and, over time, can lead to other eye health complications.

For this reason, it is essential to learn to identify the signs with which it manifests itself, especially in its initial stages. Discover them!

What is visual stress?

What do we mean when we talk about visual stress? When we talk about stress understood as that recurrent psychological disorder, the definition is simple: it occurs when we expose ourselves to situations that are beyond our control, that overwhelm us and cause discomfort.

Almost the same thing happens in the visual field. People place our eyes in situations that also pose a threat, we place them on surfaces where we force them to work beyond their possibilities. We generate physiological suffering for them, so to speak.

Computers, tablets, mobile phones or even always looking at the same stimulus ends up generating ophthalmological damage. Thus, as a study carried out at the University of Tehran by Dr. Hassan Hashemi reveals , visual stress is increasing in 12-year-old children.

Thus, the main indicator of this condition is always headache.

However, let’s see what more clues they can give us that we suffer from visual stress.

1. Eye dryness

Girl in the office with tired eyesight.

Eye dryness is a rather uncomfortable symptom that can even be painful when it is not treated in a timely manner. It is characterized by the deficiency of the tear flow, which is responsible for keeping the eyes lubricated.

As a result, there is an annoying sensation of having tiny grains of sand in the pupils, which can lead to irritation and itching.

Although it can be caused by exposure to polluted environments and some diseases, it has also become common among patients with ocular stress.

2. Dizziness

Overexertion of sight can be related to the lack of coordination and dizziness that appear during the activities of the day. It is characterized by confusion and headache, usually accompanied by weakness in the legs and paleness.

3. Constant tearing

Tear in the dry eye in winter.

The continuous lacrimation is a response of the body to the presence of foreign particles and bodies on the surface or surrounding areas of the eye.

Although this is necessary to keep the eyes moist, its excessive production can alert some type of visual problem. It is necessary to consult a specialist since, in addition to visual stress, it can be caused by some trauma or disease.

4. Itching sensation

Eye itching or itchy eyes is a symptom related to decreased tear production. It can be caused by an infection, allergies or excessive activities that imply the effort of the eyes.

It must be cared for, since complications can facilitate the development of ailments and infections of greater care.

5. Hypersensitivity to light

Often, spending too much time in front of the computer or similar devices causes a certain hypersensitivity to light. Also known as photophobia , it is an uncomfortable symptom that makes vision difficult when the eyes are exposed to a certain intensity of light.

In turn, its appearance is linked to a corneal pathology, such as when a corneal trauma is suffered.

6. Headache

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Continual headaches are one of the most obvious symptoms of stress and visual difficulties. Since overexertion alters circulation and increases tension, it is common to experience everything from common headaches to severe pain such as migraine headaches.

In this case, a more detailed analysis is necessary, since it is a problem that can be caused by multiple factors.

7. Repetitive conjunctivitis

The lights emitted by the screens of electronic devices tend to increase the susceptibility of suffering from conjunctivitis. This condition is characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, in this case caused by excess work done by the eyes.

However, it should be noted that, in general, it is caused by viruses, bacteria and allergies to dust.

8. Loss of visibility

Loss of visual acuity and reduced ability to see small details is a worrisome sign of this condition. It usually goes hand in hand with migraine episodes, fatigue, and other of the symptoms mentioned above.

In addition, it tends to manifest itself from an early age in people at risk of refractive disorders and cataracts.

To keep in mind!

To prevent all discomforts related to ocular stress, it is recommended to practice visual exercises several times a day. Also, it is essential to take breaks for rest and to try to have a good quality of sleep.

All symptoms should be consulted with a specialist, as they can also appear in the initial stages of more complex eye diseases.

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