8 Foods That Every Colitis Patient Should Avoid

What a patient with colitis suffers from is a digestive disease that is caused by inflammation of the large intestine, due to food poisoning or parasitic infection, according to this study carried out by Harvard University.

Many tend to mistake it for common bouts of diarrhea, as this is one of its main symptoms. However, in this case it occurs more severely, almost always accompanied by bloating, abdominal pain and fever.

In addition, unlike other digestive problems, it usually occurs recurrently over a longer period of time. Because of this, it is convenient to know more about the disease.

But it’s also important to  be clear about which foods can make your symptoms worse. This time we want to share the top 8 so that you can start limiting your consumption from now on. Discover them!

1. Fried foods and fatty foods

French fries, food to avoid for patients with colitis

Fried foods and foods high in fat can make colitis symptoms worse by making digestion difficult and increasing the level of inflammation. According to this study carried out by the University of Guadalajara (Mexico), the abuse of fast food and fried foods could even be related to insulin intolerance.

2. Whole grains and seeds

Although the consumption of fiber has always been recommended to achieve optimal digestion, a patient with colitis should avoid that which comes from foods such as grains and whole seeds. Soluble fiber is the most indicated for these cases, as stated in this research carried out by the Association of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis.

3. Coffee and tea

Coffee, food that a patient with colitis should avoid

Patients diagnosed with this disorder should avoid caffeinated beverages as much as possible, including coffee and tea, according to the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine in this report, since this substance increases the level of inflammation in the colon and affects the process. which is responsible for evacuating waste.

  • Maintaining its consumption can worsen colic and irritation related to this disorder.
  • In addition, since it tends to accumulate in the body, it influences the processes that eliminate toxins.

4. Milk and dairy products

Whole milk and dairy products are enemy number one for any colitis patient. This is not only due to its high fat content, but also due to its lactose content. This is confirmed by this research carried out by the San Carlos Clinical Hospital (Madrid).

  • Although not all have intolerance to their consumption, it is best to reduce them to the maximum to avoid future complications in the colon.

    5. Stuffed meats


    Stuffed meats are believed to have not only high levels of fat, but also sodium and artificial additives that increase irritation in the intestine. Its regular intake causes difficulties at the digestive level and increases the presence of toxins in the colon.

    However, although it is not recommended to consume it if we suffer from colitis, there is also no academic evidence to support this statement.

    6. Margarine, an enemy for the patient with colitis

    Margarine and butter are foods that should definitely not be in the eating plan of a colitis patient.

    • These contain too much trans fat (causing various inflammation processes, according to this study carried out by the Center for Research in Food and Development of Mexico) and hydrogenated oils that, when assimilated in the body, worsen the inflammation of the intestine.

    7. Refined flours

    Dough with flour

    Refined flours are an inflammatory food that can worsen the severity of symptoms in patients with bowel problems. This is confirmed by this study carried out by the Arthritis Foundation, which also associates this food with inflammation in the joints.

    This variety of foods has been subjected to industrial processes in which it loses a large number of properties and nutrients. As a consequence,  their digestion is more difficult and, in some people, they can trigger allergic reactions, according to this statement from the Spanish Association of People with Food and Latex Allergy.

    The most worrying thing is that they are present in many commonly consumed foods and, therefore, it is difficult to avoid them completely.

    8. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks

    Alcoholic beverages and soft drinks are quite irritating for those who suffer from colitis and digestive difficulties, as stated previously in the report of the Spanish Association of Internal Medicine.

    • Its content of refined sugars, in addition to carbon dioxide and colorants, increases acidity and inflammation.
    • In addition, they are responsible for symptoms such as gas.

    In conclusion, due to the digestive complications that can be caused by colitis, it is best to try to reduce the intake of all these foods as much as possible.

    Although many are part of the usual diet, it is best to look for healthy alternatives to facilitate the control of this disease.

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