7 Tips To Prevent Depression In Its Initial Phase

Would it be possible to prevent a depression in its initial phase? How? These are questions asked by some people who feel burdened or sad and would like to put a stop to it, for their own good.

Although there are no magic formulas that can be applied in all cases, there are some tips that can help you overcome and regain your well-being, at the same time that you request some professional help.

1. Eat healthy

Although there are not enough studies to support the idea, it is believed that some depressions can begin with the deficit – in childhood, adolescence or both – of some nutrients that are essential for the nervous system.

If these deficiencies persist, they can lead to sadness, melancholy, nervousness, exhaustion, anxiety, irritability, etc.

According to a study published in 2009, nutrition is closely related to neuronal development and neuropsychiatric health.

On the other hand, there are countless studies that show that a balanced, varied, rich and sufficient diet is capable of providing multiple benefits to the body, including in terms of mental health.

Some foods that could be especially beneficial for improving mental health would be oats and chocolate, according to scientific evidence provided by various investigations over the last 20 years.

Be careful, it is not that you only consume these foods or that you binge on them in order to prevent depression, but that you include them in a healthy diet, to take full advantage of their nutritional contribution.


2. Exercise daily

Exercising daily is a great way to enjoy health and well-being. Find an activity that catches your attention and begin to integrate it into your routine, little by little.

You don’t have to be a first-rate runner the first month, or a perfect dancer, or an Olympic swimmer, as long as you exercise, enjoy the activity and clear yourself, that’s enough. 

  • The psychologist Cristina Roda Rivera affirms that ” sport can counteract some of the effects of depressed mood in people.”
  • For his part,

3. Rest well

Woman waking up from a good rest

Did you know that a good night’s rest is essential for the whole body, and the nervous system in particular, to balance itself? Both lack and excess sleep are detrimental to health, since the former keeps us exhausted and nervous; and the second rather lethargic and apathetic.

In addition, according to this study published in 2008, sleep problems could lead to disorders such as depression.

We must rest between 6 and 8 hours each day, and sleep must be restorative so, if it is difficult for us to sleep, we will have to discover what the causes are, which can be several:

  • Lack of exercise.
  • Going to bed too late.
  • Dining too late or too much.
  • Take stimulating substances from the afternoon: coffee, soft drinks, alcohol.
  • Bring our worries to bed and turn them over continuously.

4. Look up!

It is said that people with pessimistic attitudes and a tendency to depression tend to look down most of the time, towards the ground. Especially when they are walking down the street.

See how the landscape changes when you stop looking at the ground and look ahead and up. Expand your field of vision and you will see that, little by little, you manage to clear yourself a bit.

You are not going to ‘cure’ or prevent a depression by looking up or looking in all directions when walking down the street. However, taking your eyes off the ground can help you distract yourself, pay more attention to your surroundings and, perhaps, take away some of the power that is weighing you down, even for a little while.

5. Practice enjoyable activities

The psychologist Loreto Martín Moya affirms that pleasant activities play an essential role in therapies for depression. Therefore, it is advisable to give them priority on a day-to-day basis.

Dancing, drawing, walking, running, or just taking a walk in an outdoor space and enjoying nature are activities that can help alleviate emotional distress and, in a way, prevent depression. Therefore, do not put them aside or put them off. Practice them and take advantage of them!

6. Express yourself!

Couple talking happily on the terrace.

If you feel that you are sad, overwhelmed or depressed, it is recommended that you try to speak with someone you trust or directly with a psychologist. Expressing what you feel, your concerns, what you imagine and everything that overwhelms you can contribute to relief.

7. Be kind to yourself

Many times, when a person is sad or overwhelmed, they tend to push themselves and not respect their own times. You want to be ‘okay’ so much that you punish yourself for not having succeeded already, or for having stumbled after having improved for a few days.

Keep in mind that, many times, it is necessary to take time to overcome, strengthen and move forward. You don’t need to push yourself and punish yourself every two times three.

What if you can’t prevent depression?

If you cannot prevent depression, you can always seek professional help and begin therapy.

Remember, the important thing is not to ‘avoid’ being wrong and deny negative emotions at all costs, every time they arise. What really matters is that you seek to find the necessary tools to learn, improve and advance.

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