7 Things You Can Do To Avoid Low Back Pain

Although physical exercise is usually good to improve low back pain, if we see that it does not remit or it worsens we should avoid it and consult a specialist

Do you suffer from lumbar? Low back pain is an uncomfortable symptom that can be caused by irritation or deterioration of any of the structures in the lower spine.

We share some habits that can be incorporated into the daily routine before suffering the problem. They are key to avoiding injuries, contractures and other associated symptoms. Are you interested in knowing them?

Prevent low back pain

The appearance of low back pain is often muscular in origin. However, it can also occur due to degeneration of the intervertebral discs, joint problems, hernias and other conditions of greater care.

Although these last cases must be analyzed by a specialist, there are a series of habits and cares that reduce the ailment, regardless of its cause. We detail them below

1. Correct body posture

Lumbar pain

First of all, do you have good body posture? Although you may overlook it, something as essential as adopting good posture, both when walking and when resting, can reduce the recurrence of lower back pain.


  • When you are sitting, make sure to keep your back straight, to be able to be supported.
  • Also, if you are going to do a physically demanding activity, such as lifting heavy objects, bend your knees to give your back more support.
  • As you walk, keep your back straight, shoulders aligned, and head forward.

2. Do physical exercise

Second, sedentary lifestyle has a lot to do with low back pain and joint diseases that damage the lower spine. Although inactivity can reduce pain when it is too strong, regular physical exercise is essential to prevent it.


  • Adopt a routine of physical exercise, minimum of 30 minutes, 3 times a week.
  • Combine cardiovascular activities with exercises focused on muscle strengthening.
  • Also, do warm-up and stretching exercises.
  • If you have injuries or pain, find out if you can go swimming.

3. Practice breathing techniques


Third, breathing techniques are simple exercises that help improve oxygen transport to all cells in the body. This allows improving physical and mental well-being, especially in the event of episodes of stress and anxiety.


  • If you have low back strain due to stress, find a calm and quiet place and take deep, slow breathing for 5 minutes.
  • Inhale and exhale repeatedly, until you feel more relaxed.

4. Control weight

Both being overweight and obese may be causing pain in the lower back. They also cause injury, disc wear, and other chronic conditions that can later manifest with more severe symptoms. This is because excess weight stresses the muscles and joints, exceeding the support capabilities of the spine.


  • Adopt a healthy, low-fat, low-calorie eating plan.
  • Get regular exercise, at least 3 times a week.
  • Also, consult your doctor to determine if the excess weight is due to reasons other than diet (metabolic disorders or thyroid diseases, among others).

5. Avoid smoking

No Smoking

In addition to suffering serious consequences for respiratory health, smoking interferes with good circulation. Product of this, reduces the oxygenation of the muscles of the lumbar area. The toxins in cigarettes damage tissues and, in the long term, cause degeneration of the vertebral discs.


  • Seek help to quit as soon as possible.
  • Choose to consume herbal teas and remedies to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
  • If you don’t smoke, avoid exposing yourself to cigarette smoke.

6. Sleep well

Having a good quality of sleep is not only key to renewing physical and mental energies, but it is essential to relax the muscles of the lumbar and cervical area.  During the rest period, the stiffness and tension that occur throughout the day is reduced and, in addition, muscle oxygenation increases.


  • Respect your sleep schedules and make sure you sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day.
  • Remember that, when sleeping, it is also important to maintain good posture.

7. Raise your legs


After completing an exhausting day, you can raise your legs to relax your lower back and, incidentally, activate circulation in the lower body. In addition, this simple exercise reduces inflammation and helps prevent muscle stiffness and contractures.


  • Lie down on a comfortable surface, keeping your back straight and your arms at your sides.
  • Then raise your legs for 3-5 minutes and rest.

Do you have continuous lower back pain? If this symptom interrupts your days, take into account the previous recommendations and begin to avoid it with simple and natural practices. If the pain is persistent, see your doctor.

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