7 Reasons Why You Don’t Lose Belly Fat And Some Ways To Get It

Belly fat is not aesthetic or healthy, for this reason it is essential to get rid of it through an appropriate strategy. This should include the recommendations of the doctor, as well as those of the nutritionist so that it can provide good results, without putting health at risk.

An appropriate strategy is not to adopt a certain diet, drink warm water with lemon on an empty stomach, do a series of five sit-ups a week or put on a girdle. It’s also not about going for a seven-mile run one day and then not exercising again for two months.

Have you wanted to get rid of belly fat, but have not succeeded? If so, you may have been doing more than one thing wrong. Keep in mind that losing weight and working the body is not something that is done from one day to the next and that you have to be constant, but above all consistent when adopting and maintaining good lifestyle habits.

Don’t you lose belly fat? These may be the reasons

The reasons why you cannot get rid of fat can be varied. We are going to list them for you.

7 reasons why you don't lose belly fat and some ways to achieve it.

1. You may not be doing the correct exercises

If you have not yet lost belly fat, you may not be doing the most appropriate exercises for it, or at least not as often as necessary to give results.

Sometimes it is not enough to go for a half hour walk once every 5, 7 or 10 days, to go swimming once in the summer, to dance, to do a yoga session a week …

  • All of these activities are healthy, but they need to be done on a regular basis to be effective.
  • In addition to alternating them, it would be good to do localized exercises several times a week to eliminate belly fat.

    Keep in mind that the most effective way to burn fat is doing high intensity interval exercise. This is stated by a study published in Obesity Reviews.

    2. You suffer a lot of stress and you have not managed it properly

    This data is important, because not everyone considers it, takes it into account and takes care of it. Chronic stress – not managed – can alter metabolism and increase the level of cortisol in the blood.

    Stress is one of the causes of being overweight. High levels of cortisol in the blood and within cells cause fat retention, especially in the abdomen area, and fluid retention. Greater cravings for foods high in sugar, fat, and carbohydrates. The imbalance of blood sugar creates a mechanism that could increase the risk of type 2 diabetes ″, indicate the experts of the AARP Foundation.

    3. You still consume too much ultra-processed

    If you think you’re eating lettuce all week for lunch, but then eating fast food for dinner … then you may be having a hard time shedding belly fat. This is also possible if all the vegetables you cook come frozen in a bag and you fry them.

    In order to lose weight, it is necessary to dispense with junk in general, but also white bread, pretzels, French fries, everything that is rich in refined sugar, carbonated drinks or drinks with sweeteners and, ultimately, all those bag snacks and industrial edibles that do not provide more than salt, sugar and empty calories.

    Keep in mind that the trans fats in these foods have been shown to promote obesity and inflammation.

    4. You have not been able to take advantage of healthy fats

    There are people who do it, who say to themselves that “no fat” and eliminate much of those foods from their diet that, in reality, would help you burn belly fat.

    There are good fats, monounsaturated fats. These have anti-inflammatory effects -for their contribution of omega 3- and help us to take care of the heart, reach and maintain a healthy weight.

    Some sources of healthy fats:

    • Avocados
    • Olive oil.
    • Sunflower seeds.
    • Nuts and dried fruits.
    • Fatty fish (such as salmon).

    5. You sleep little or badly

    Woman reads cell phone at night in bed.

    Sleeping less than 6 hours reduces health and psychological well-being, according to a study published in Obesity . Even more, if you spend between 2 or 3 months in a row sleeping between 6 or 5 hours a day. So if your goal is to be healthy and maintain an appropriate body weight, make sure you get enough sleep every day. Likewise, it is important that you learn to maintain a proper sleep ritual so that you really take advantage of the rest.

    6. You have poor postural hygiene

    If you exercise, but still maintain poor postural hygiene, it may cost you more to shed belly fat. Therefore, try to adopt and maintain a correct posture in each of the activities you do. This means that you should not only walk with your back straight, but also take care of your posture when lifting objects, when executing various movements, when sitting, etc.

    Keys to losing belly fat

    We pointed it out at the beginning: achieving a firm, smooth belly with less fat volume requires an adequate strategy, maintained in a consistent way over time.

    A little trick to help you with this is to change the way you tell yourself things. Phrases as simple as: “I am losing weight” (instead of “I want to lose weight”) or “I am proud of the efforts that I am doing” (instead of “I have to do more”) can increase your motivation and help you keep going. .

    Girl eating healthy and slowly.

    Take note now of recommendations that will help you say goodbye to belly fat:

    • Start the day with a glass of water.
    • Manage stress.
    • Sleep between 7 and 9 hours a day.
    • Do aerobic and resistance exercises.
    • Don’t skip any main meals of the day.
    • Eat fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines …
    • Make sure you’re getting enough fiber each day, but don’t go overboard.
    • Take advantage of protein sources, as directed by your doctor and nutritionist.
    • Eliminate alcohol, refined sugar, and trans fats from your diet. Replace the latter with the monounsaturated ones.
    • Eliminate ultra-processed and industrial edibles from your diet. Give priority to fresh food.
    • Eat probiotic foods regularly instead of flavored yogurts with added sugar.

    To know more: What is the difference between prebiotics and probiotics? 

    Improve habits to eliminate belly fat

    All of these guidelines can help you lose belly fat and add health and wellness. Keep in mind that it will often be a slow process where consistency will be key.

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