7 Low-fat Foods That Are Not As Good As They Seem

Although through advertising they try to convince us that the light options are lighter and healthier, the truth is that the best will always be the homemade alternatives

In recent decades the food industry has led us to believe that “low-fat” or “light” foods are a good option for a healthy, calorie-controlled diet.

While these products certainly have a lower caloric intake than their normal versions, in reality not all of them are as good as they seem. Below we share the 7 most common so that you take them into account from now on.

Foods that actually do make you fat

For starters, fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat. However, processed ones contain sugars, chemical additives and a wide variety of substances that can be harmful.

Also, since many think they can be overeating, they can become potential enemies of weight and health. For these reasons, it is very important to know how to identify them and, likewise, reduce or avoid their habitual consumption.

1. Breakfast cereals

Foods that actually make you fat

Its labels usually highlight healthy properties such as “contains whole grains” or ” is rich in fiber.” However, even if it is, it is a food full of refined sugars or high fructose corn syrup that, as some already know, can cause serious metabolic disorders.

Its regular consumption, especially in a meal as important as breakfast, can cause different disorders. Among them, obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system and type 2 diabetes.

2. Low-fat yogurt

Yogurt is recognized around the world as one of the healthiest foods that can be added to the diet. Despite this, many of the presentations they sell on the market lack benefits and can be harmful to the body.

Those labeled as “light” or “low in fat” and that, in addition, have added flavors, are not very nutritious presentations. In addition, they usually contain sugars and chemical preservatives.

3. Low-fat peanut butter

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is proven to have benefits for appetite control and body weight, as it is satiating and contains essential fatty acids.  Its regular intake helps to control high cholesterol levels and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

The problem is that presentations that claim to be low in fat often contain corn syrup and other harmful chemicals. Therefore, in order not to stop enjoying its properties, the most convenient thing is to consume the homemade and natural recipe, which is much healthier.

4. Cereal bars

Cereal bars have become one of the most consumed snacks in the world. This given that many companies claim that they are a healthy alternative to calm hunger in times of anxiety.

The truth of all is that many contain refined sugars, few proteins and many added preservatives that are not healthy at all. Although for the moment they curb the desire to eat, their low fiber and protein intake makes the feeling of hunger reappear in a short time.

5. Salad dressings

salad sauces

Salad dressings are a perfect addition to enhancing the flavor of raw vegetables. Although homemade recipes are the best alternative, many prefer the “light” options that they sell in the market because they think they are the healthiest alternative.

The truth is that they contain saturated fat and few high-value nutrients. This can influence the development of metabolic disorders. While natural options provide vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, industrial sauces contain sugars, preservatives, and few nutrients.

6. Smoothies or coffee-flavored drinks

The smoothies or commercial flavored coffee drinks contain many refined sugars. In addition, they also include fatty compounds that are not healthy.

Natural recipes are a source of antioxidants and nutrients. However, those that are packaged usually contain fructose syrup and a high concentration of calories. In addition, many of its additives are addictive, which leads to its daily and excessive intake.

7. Light spreads


Do you usually eat margarine, cheese, and other low-fat spreads? You should know that they are not the best option to enjoy sandwiches and similar recipes.

These are processed foods that, in addition to saturated fat, contain sugar, chemicals, and too many calories compared to homemade recipes. Including them in the diet increases the feeling of hunger and the risk of being overweight and obese.

In conclusion, although their labels give them a healthy appearance, ingesting these foods in an excessive way can be harmful.  Always try to choose natural recipes to enjoy the benefits of organic ingredients.

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