7 Home Remedies For Chilblains

If there is something annoying that can affect both fingers and toes, it is chilblains. Although it is not serious, it is an inflammation that occurs under the skin and causes pain. They usually appear due to prolonged exposure and to cold or humidity.

Chilblains can also affect other areas, such as the nose and ears. When the cold ends, the inflammation usually disappears without any treatment in about three weeks.  However, if you don’t want to wait so long, take note of these home remedies for chilblains.

Home remedies for chilblains that you should try

1. Calendula

Marigold plants

A natural remedy that will allow your chilblains to be reduced to a minimum is through calendula. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, its external application will help speed up the recovery process from this problem. 


  • 3 tablespoons of calendula (30 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • Heat the water and, when it comes to a boil, add the three tablespoons of calendula.
  • Allow the decoction to take place for 10 minutes.
  • Once this time has passed, you will have to remove this solution from the heat.
  • Add water in a tub and then the resulting infusion.
  • Take small baths in the parts affected by the chilblains twice a day. You will notice the difference.

2. With turnip


Chilblains can also be reduced with the help of turnip. To do this you will have to cut it in half and rub the areas affected by chilblains, you will see how the inflammation and discomfort caused by them begin to reduce.

One of the fastest solutions you can find when it comes to combating this ailment and also cheaper. If you are tired of suffering from chilblains, with something as simple as rubbing this vegetable on them the pain will be reduced.

3. Lemon


Lemon can also be another of the great allies in these cases.

  • To take advantage of its benefits, you will have to squeeze a lemon and apply its juice on the affected area. Repeat this operation several times a day (a couple of drops on the affected areas will be more than enough).
  • To increase the effectiveness of lemon juice it is convenient that you massage the area. You will notice the difference in a very short time and the relief will be almost immediate thanks to the acid of the lemon.

    4. Celery


    Besides being useful in treating external wounds, celery is one of the best home remedies for chilblains. Used externally, it minimizes swelling and stimulates circulation for quick relief.


    • 1 cup of celery (250 g)
    • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


    • For each liter of water we will put 250 g of celery. Bring the water with the celery to a boil and boil for an hour.
    • With the resulting solution, you will have to take baths in the affected areas.
    • Once the liquid is applied, we will let it act for 10 minutes.
    • We will repeat the treatment three times a day. After 10 minutes, the affected area will have to be dried and protected from air.
    • In a few days your chilblains will be practically a thing of the past and will be gone.

      5. Onion, honey and salt

      A combination of onion, honey and salt can be useful as an alternative remedy to decrease the size of chilblains. Due to its properties, it improves circulation and lowers the sensation of pain.

      • We will have to make a paste with a little raw onion, which we will have previously crushed with honey and a little salt.
      • We will apply the mixture directly on the chilblains, twice a day and rub lightly on the area in question.

      6. Rosemary

      home remedies for chilblains

      Rosemary oil massages are relaxing and anti-inflammatory. For this reason, many classify them as one of the most effective home remedies for chilblains. While the oil can be purchased in herbal stores, it can also be made at home.


      • 1 handful of rosemary
      • 2 cups of oil (500 ml)


      • In a suitable container, you will have to mix a handful of rosemary with three cups of cooking oil, cover and let it rest for five days, shaking it daily.
      • Once the indicated time has elapsed, you will have to strain it and place this preparation in a glass jar.
      • Add this mixture to two liters of hot water and take a bath for about 15 minutes on the chilblains area.

      7. Red vine


      Another solution for chilblains would be made from red vine.


      • 1 teaspoon of red vine leaves (5 g)
      • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


      • Put the water to heat and, when it comes to a boil, add the teaspoon of red vine leaves.
      • Let the decoction take place for 5 minutes and allow it to sit for another ten.
      • After the indicated time, you will have to filter the infusion and apply for 5 minutes.
      • It is best to do it when the water is already warm. Taking small baths in the affected area three times a day will be more than enough to see the improvement and avoid that uncomfortable pain and itching.

      Have you tried these home remedies for chilblains yet? Choose the one that most catches your attention and see for yourself its benefits. If the discomfort persists, visit your trusted doctor.

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